[9.1 Spoilers] Thank you, Blizzard

I guess, but that’s uh… Pretty loose, to be honest. A lot of things get developed. Why did the “parallel being” come at the expense of Elune? It could have come at the expense of Revendreth. Or the Sylvanas campaign. Or literally any other plot point. There’s nothing necessarily suggesting that, “Because Elune favors the kaldorei most, there was no parallel being created.”

I know you’re not Baal, and you’re not speaking for him, but I had thought of this stuff when I originally responded lol So, I figured it’s a good chance to get those reasons out there.

I guess that’s… Kinda the thing about WoW? There’s a lot of zones that have content targeted towards a certain group of people. BfA had an entire continent about trolls and another about humans. Legion had an entire zone about Tauren. WoD was about orcs (with a bit of Draenei). MoP was about Pandaren, with very little diversity into the other races. Zone-themes vary a lot, and sometimes they hit, sometimes they don’t.

I didn’t care too much about uh… Any of the Shadowlands zones? Even the Night Fae campaign, I only cared about the kaldorei stuff. The rest was… I mean, it was there.

I mistyped, I’m gonna edit that. I meant to say, “I thought Baal was saying that the taurens/trolls/orcs/KTs…” My point was that, if the argument was “Elune favoring the kaldorei most is at the expense of something”, then it must be that it was “at the expense of her favoring other races equally”.