[9.1 Spoilers] Thank you, Blizzard

I don’t understand the concern? That Tauren, Trolls, Orcs(??), and Kul Tirans(???) aren’t her “favored” children. Show me where Tauren, Troll, Orc, and Kul Tiran worship of Elune even approximates the magnitude of Kaldorei worship:

  • They built temples to Elune
  • They named cities after Elune
  • Their government is a Theocracy of Elune
  • They greet each other with Elune’s Name
  • They believe they are the creation of Elune
  • Their official crest is centered around a symbol of Elune
  • They create “Moonwells” as their source of power
  • Elune is the primary diety of their pantheon, so much so that she’s the mother of their second most important diety (Cenarius).

Tauren? Worship her as one third of a greater entity. Which isn’t anything to scoff at, sure.
Trolls? One sect of Zandalari outcasts worship her.
Orcs? Draenor uh… Had a moon?
Kul Tirans? There were some reused models in Kul Tiras?

Like, I get it. Blizzard has treated these other races dirty. In the expansion about death, they didn’t acknowledge the ancestor-worshiping, shamanistic peoples. They haven’t so much as winked at validating the Earthmother or An’she as valid entities. I get that, and I nodded to that in the post. Like, those are good fights to fight.

But, “Elune doesn’t love them as much” is a uh… It’s a stretch to say the least, because they don’t love Elune as much.

“Goddess” was always really vague, and basically always amounted to, “powerful, but dissimilar to other powerful creatures”.

This is a common misconception. I get it. I had that fear when I first watched the cinematic, and it took me a time or two to fully understand, but… Here’s what happened:

Elune couldn’t stop Teldrassil, that’s not in her power. She sent her children to Ardenweald to help save wild gods from eternal death. The souls can help her just by passively being there, as we see in the Ardenweald leveling campaign. The souls there are perfectly content shepherding nature, they’re not being ground into mulch or fed into a furnace. The cinematic was when Elune learned about the souls being sent to the Maw. Up until that very moment, she thought they’d been in Ardenweald. She couldn’t have done anything because she didn’t know about the problem until after it was largely resolved.

I get that it wasn’t presented super clearly, but that’s the bigger issue than what actually happened.