9.1 PVP gearing changes!?

Yes please


I just looked at it, what a joke lmao. Thereā€™s a big topic on it too, actually so many morons in there.

This change wonā€™t stop the carries for titles, mounts and cosmetic stuff. Also, the gear will still available and good enough for entry/mid level PVE, so we will still see boosters for sure.

This change will, sure, make it a bit harder: Thereā€™s a huge difference between the skill required to kill players 20ilvls lower than the booster and kill players with the same ilvl as him/her. Mistakes will be punished harder and not all boosters can pull that off easily, hence, it may kind of reduce the number of boosters. Skilled players will still be able do it, but not like now where every single ape playing a broken class can carry somebody to 1600/1800/2100 by just smashing two buttons and randomly exploding people.


Exactly This.
such a pain seeing certain class/specs that can blow people up in pvp get super quick access to mythic ilvl gear to then be instant pick for any pveā€¦

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Am i the only one who sees this as a horrible idea? The pvp gear will now be a lower ilvl than the pve gearā€¦ and since your main upgrade each week comes from the chest you have to choose which you wanna focus onā€¦ meaning you are less geared in the other aspect of the game. Now if they do this but keep the pvp gear still competitive inthe heroic tier of pve with weapons being baseline mythic competitive im ok with that. Aka 220 ilvl max for pvp without scaling and weapons being 226 and then in scaling it can be like 240ā€¦ atleast thats how i feel it would have to happen to not cause problems.


if you wanna do both content, do both content. them being intermingled causes issues for both rn though with them not being seperate avenues of play preference.
sounds like pvp gear would be 1-2 tier lower when used in pve, so not worthless but not meant for pve


People donā€™t even use pve gear in pvp except maybe the first 2 weeks of the season, and even then itā€™s the top .1% of players lol.

All this does is nerf pvp gear in thorgast, the maw, dailies, etc.

Anyone who pvps and pveā€™s get a nerf from this.

If the reasoning here is to eliminate boosters, just buff valor/m+ gearing to 226 with a 233 weapon option. Problem solved, everyone will just buy quick m+ boosts insteadā€¦


torghast: strength in tg is more anima lottery than what gear you have on
world: having WM on causes the items to scale up just like when in bg or arena

:stop_sign: :point_left:t3:Stop pls

Blizzard pleaseā€¦Iā€™m gonna buy a six month subscription if WoD-style-gearing comes back. Iā€™ve played nearly every single class in WoD and I was having an absolute blast in PvP during that timeā€¦please bring it back.

Itā€™s such a simple and good system.


no because everyone will have 233 ilvl pvp gear. if your set is 200 it will scale to 233 in pvp

really? i see quite a lot of 226 m+ in 1400-1500 bracket must be quite a lot of 0.1% of players luhmow

whereā€™re you imagining these numbers from? most likely would only be 1-1.5 tier lower, not full 2.5tier difference in ilvl

from rated arenasā€¦?

All this talk about gear sounds great and stuff, especially for alts. If you can level oneā€¦ my priest has been 52 for weeks now, everytime I log in to level him I get bored in 5 mins or so and log out.

i meant the amount of scaling. saying that someone with i200 would be i233. where if like wod was with conquest, it would go in the opposite direction when using pvp gearin pve content.
if difference is 2 tier then pvp ilvls would look something like

pve      pvp 

207  ->  233
200  ->  226
197  ->  223
194  ->  220
190  ->  216
187  ->  213
184  ->  210
181  ->  207
177  ->  203
174  ->  200

i226 pvp piece would be i226 in wm/arena/bg but be only i200 in dungeons and raids and with wm turned off

oh i was talking about this season

If it means the dual item level, Iā€™ll likely unsub.
I hated the dual iLvL in WoD, and in an xpac with so much mandatory PvE content (looking at you Torghast) it would be brutal.

Plus I enjoy the incentive of better gear behind rating, having the same gear as some random BG hero? hard pass.


Really? Why does a BG hero having the same gear as a rated player (by the end of the season) trouble you?

Do you really need the gear crutch to beat a random BG hero?

It seems to me that making PVP gearing easier (for all) and balanced would lead to more people in PVP. The more people in PVP, the more people you should be able to kill with your superior skill. Win win no?



Who cares lmao. If youā€™re a better player, them having on par gear wonā€™t matter at all.