9.1 PVP gearing changes!?

There’s a team of “git guds” LOL. There’s a ton of topics that have the same nonsense. But it’s OK I sort of understand why now.

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That’s what you fellers want to believe :slight_smile:

Oh so in this seasons case it would be like base 200 cq gear (from vendor) but it would scale to 213 in arena if your actual ilvl was 200 no matter the person’s rating? If so how would you get higher than 213 from pvp?

Just a huge factor. Playing low CR BGs (< 1k) on my alt and we are facing teams with every player at 40k + each. Most of our team was under 30k.


Ideally it would scale to higher than mythic PvE gear ilvl in PvP, but be much lower in PvE. Which is how it should be. Rating requirements have always been an awful system and I’m glad they’re hopefully going away.


That’s pretty good then. But would the base 200 pvp gear stay 200 in wpvp (warmode) or be 213? And would pve gear be down scaled in warmode?

Ideally it would scale up like it did in duels and world PvP in WoD. We’ll have to see what they do though.

good stuff pve’rs can go back to killing their dragons

and hopefully will be more managable having alts


thats how it would have worked yeah pretty much

ideally it would be 200 any time you aren’t engaged in any kind of pvp

but then scale up to 235 whenever you were

probably not but pvp gear would scale up when you get in combat w/ someone

all of this is speculation though since the comparison was wod but the system currently is very very different


Wow dope. Sounds perfect

1 more question so with this system being 200 base cq gear ( in this season) would that be the max ilvl you could possible obtain from pvp in general? Like I know rating wouldn’t give you upgrades but it’s just stuck at 200?

This is the slightly scary part. It’s so easy to make most people happy with this lmao. I really hope they don’t drop the fricken ball like they tend to do.

This is what we don’t know, they did say they were going to add some bonuses to raid gear too to make it more appealing in raiding etc. But if it’s exactly like WoD gearing, it would be a static, low ilvl in PvE.

Honestly it couldn’t be worse than it is now right? Lol


yah there is honor gear at like 184 and conq gear at 200 no upgrading pieces it just scales to mythic level when engaged with enemy players

but how it used to work is you would need like 1800 for ur shoulders and helm and 2200 for ur weapon or something like that i dont remember

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Gotcha. I like that there is an incentive to push rating other than titles like it is now to upgrade gear but honestly the way they should’ve done it was with wod system, but make 1400 like 203 ilvl, 1600 206 ilvl, 1800 209 ilvl etc then scale it accordingly but you gain the extra ilvls for pve or something so you atleast got something for hitting rating but you didn’t gain a huge disparity from someone 10cr lower than you in a single bracket. Or Maybe, just weapon upgrade per bracket. That’s it.

Right. If they do this like we’re hoping, it’ll be amazing. People can have alts on a more manageable level and gear won’t be rating locked. It’s a massive win, and the morons who think rating locking gear is a good idea can eat it.

Nah in WoD nothing had rating requirements on it. The elite set at 2k and such was just cosmetic.


oh i didnt play wod i assumed it worked like mop

MoP only had an elite weapon upgrade iirc for one season, and then they removed the rating reqs on everything completely after that for the rest of MoP.

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Just weapon upgrades would be cool and not that op I think and give some incentive to push rating. But this full gear rating req crap is so dumb. Nothing is more fun than fighting people your own ilvl and being able to outplay them and know it wasn’t because you 3 shot them at 5k hp lower than you (while dealing more damage and taking less) or you playing your best but hitting into a sponge the other way around.


Personally I’d rather see them add more/better cosmetics all around for all the brackets of play. I’m not talking half assed things either, but things that stand out and that players would like to get. Class specific elite sets being a good starting point. But ya, I feel you 100%. Lets hope they do this right and not drop the ball.


Cosmetic only is cool but boring. Some performance gain is more enticing all around but like man they just gotta use common sense to keep it on the playing field.