9.1 PVP gearing changes!?

As it should be. Gear is too much of a factor in PVP right now.


Hey man I just want yall to stop encroaching on my mighty river of gold.

I’ve earned enough gold this season to buy the next 10 longbois

… tbh I probably earned enough gold to never go broke for the rest of wow’s tenure so whatever? Do whatever yall want lol

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Your original post had a clear implication to me that gear was a scapegoat and not an actual issue. It’s an actual issue.

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People were blaming gear exclusively and using the gear blaming as an excuse to not try to get better.

I’m not saying gear isn’t a factor, but it isn’t the sole factor.


I agree that both are a factor, but in this current state part of the issue is the uphill-battle style of gearing and rating has created a situation where even if people do get better, that marginal increase in skill can be totally offset by the multitude of outgeared and underrated teams that just create an artificial barrier. It makes things that much harder and takes the enjoyment out of it. At the end of the day, it’s a game and people want to have fun. Current situation is lacking on the fun part for many people. Feeling like you need to double outplay your opponents every game just to maybe scrape out a win isn’t enjoyable.

New players can slam themselves against the gear wall to grind out a set of gear that’ll top out at 200, maybe 207 if they break 1400. Maybe 213 if they break 1600, and even then they’re still majorly behind. I can’t even blame people who are complaining trying to pick up pvp right now because it’s just a miserable experience for anyone who didn’t gear ahead of or with the curve


Full circle. Glad we had 5 years of beta testing to go back to the same system that almost everyone liked to begin with.


I think PvP should remain an alternative path for gearing. It shouldn’t be the best way to gear, but it should definitely be competitive.

I don’t think carries are that big of a deal when you’re not facing people 25ilvls higher than you, which is what the WoD system would solve.


The pve changes to m+ alone will make a huge decline in carries imo. With pvp gear being scaled it’ll drop down considerably still. It’s overall good changes to implement and you can’t argue against it.

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Not only this, but raid gear having raid specific perks will also continue to less carries and boost advertising in pvp lfg.


very true. Alts are a lot of work.

What does this mean? Gear will start at 230 and go up to 232? That would be amazing!


Make up your mind guys. Do you enjoy the entire ladder fotm rerolling mage paladin or not?

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Thank goddddd

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About time!

Stepped into 3s for the first time tonight with my uh dk twos buddy and a resto shaman… Me and dk are 200 ilvl and shaman 187. First 15 games we were fighting people with same gear and we went 13-2. Rest of the night either 1 person had 40k hp or 2 had 36k and we ended the night at 25-26.

Am I saying we would have ended the night with 80% win rate? Not necessarily. However it would have been much more fair and we would have likely ended the night with more wins.


Couldn’t agree more

Ya. Bring back the WoD system for sure. PvP might still have a chance this expansion


omg I can only picture the epic booster tears when they know boosting is dead. i hate smelly sweaty boosters! this pvp change cant come soon enough.


Why would anyone care about getting carried if ranks don’t give you better gear? Maybe here and there for titles


How did it work in wod? Wdym 2 item levels

conquest gear would be like 220 in pve but scale up to 235 in the arena or pvp scenarios

keeps pvp the best possible gear for pvp
and prevents pvp gear from being too strong in pve for how easy it is to obtain (not rating gated)