9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Amen to this.

Excessive gimmicky borrowed power rather then elegant class design is what we get especially since BFA. Ion needs to be fired already or put to raid design only.


It was still closer. I was just 10 items levels difference I think. Getting honor set was a bit of a pain, that’s true. But it was offset but the fact that you could farm it easily without limit. There was no renown gate, or enormous honor cost, no PvE required either.

Legion was definitely the most fair obviously, but random PvP was also devoid of any forward momentum. It was a like a quick match in Overwatch, no strings attached. Some people like that, but I’d argue that casual PvP is a gear progression outlet for people who can’t participate in difficult group PvE. You play random BGs and eventually able to get the strongest gear and be on the top.

WoD and MoP 5.2+ did it best. Legion is second best, definitely better than what it is now.

Shadowlands gear only worked in the first month of 9.0 when everyone started fresh. 9.1 could have only worked as well if they made 1/7 honor gear stronger than the last season duelist. Even so the entire system rots going into the second month of a season.


I think Legion actually had at least as much of a gap as WoD did, because ilvl did still boost stats.

But you are definitely correct in that there was no forward momentum for unrated PVPers. You had to raid or do rated for gear. And losing vendors felt real bad, there was nothing to look forward to.

All in all WoD was still the best gearing for me.


That’s true as well. But I think it was just 1% per 10 item levels, so barely noticeable. It was only a problem for the cutting edge players, because they needed to squeeze out every possible percentage. So really backwards. Personally I think the gear shouldn’t matter in rated PvP and only be limited to unrated PvP and cap out there.

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Ilvl got over 900 in Legion didn’t it? I think getting a 10% advantage was definitely doable, especially with mythic raiders or high rated players vs the unrated crowd.

For some reason I felt it more than in WoD, because in WoD, I was also earning BiS conquest gear in randoms. In Legion, there was no way forward via randoms, and I ended up playing very little PVP as compared to WoD. The PVE in Legion was great though.


Get over it

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While I agree “Get over it” is a fun game. This is not the appropriate sub-forum or even website for that discussion. Please stick to the topic at hand.


Inorite. It’s so sad when devs are so arrogant they’d rather watch the game bleed veterans and not bring any new blood in, instead of just listening to what the people who pay their salaries want.


PVP gearing is still terrible man.

I’ve been gearing up this hunter for a week now and all my honor gear is 5/7 so far.

All i do is get one shot and am forced to defend…And when people come i literarily cant do anything because the people i am Vsing have 60k+ HP.

Like its such a feels bad system…

I understand too they added ALT catch up… But in order to do that i have to grind conquest on a character i dont want to play anymore so its not fun.

I want to grind PVP on my new character but every time i do it its not fun because i cant even play the game!



U wot m8? 10

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It’s my belief shadow lands is in full maintenance mode. There has been two seasons so far with barely any changes. 9.2 is very bare bones basically just a raid.

I’m sure everyone is working on next expect and hopefully it shows


you gear is terrible because you do no rated content.

Sadly, the system is illogical. A person should be able to run random battlegrounds for gear to do rated, but here you need to do rated content to enjoy random pvp content.


Saddest thing is blizzard was warned. Numerous times by numerous people.

Make the game to grindy in an effort to increase play time metrics and you will scare off more players than it’s worth.

They didn’t listen and here we are.


And the next season is gonna be the exact same.
They’re not listening to a word


I actually like some kind of gear level being tied to rating (WOTLK gearing was perfect) i just think its a bit tooo much at the moment. Also think gearing is way too slow (20 2s arena wins a week wtf). Blizzard doesnt need to incentivize people to do bgs, if people are not doing bgs or arena it means the classes are boring to play or the game balance is bad. Blizzard fill t he game with FOMO systems to force people to play content because classes are so boring and the balance is so bad they wont do it otherwise. Its sad.


why did you feel the need to necro a dead thread?

idk maybe bc it hasnt been resolved?


The funny thing is they could have fixed the PvP ilvl on gear in less time than it took them to write that post in the community council that said they heard that we wanted gearing to have less ilvl gap and take less time to earn.

9.2 will be fun for about two weeks for anyone left playing. Unrated players can get 259 honor gear, and rated players won’t have had enough time to massively out gear them.

Then the game will go back to how bad it is now until 10.0


I dont agree, i played back when gear meant nothing in arena and there was no rewards other than elite transmog and the seasons where dead (apart from first season of WOD since it actually had good unique transmog). People seem to think people will play if there is no power incentive but people just wont play. Nobody cares about a tabard and most people dont care about titles. Bgs have far more participation now that gear means nothing, so does lower rating. The problem again is the higher ratings.

WOTLK was the pinnacle, if you hit 2k you had the best gear in the game. I just think they need to scale down the rewards so you can fully gear at a lower rating like 2.1k or something. Alternatively reduce the gap between pvp gear by altering the scaling. I like how gear means something again in pvp, but i do understand that the gap is too large at higher brackets.