9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

In WOD people played bgs, because most people do not like arena. For this reason it was like dead for arena people, but for bgs players it was paradise.


we never pushed arena rating but we did do arena and BGs when we could get equal gear
it was fun and had full conquest gear on 7 or more toons
now we just ignore pvp altogether
high rated and qq about our gear but we actually put more work into it then they did

It’s crazy how different the game is when your gear sucks vs 1:1 with others. It’s like hitting into a concrete wall with bad gear…meanwhile you’ve used all CDs and played relatively well and you get 2 shotted by max gear xd. Bad system. Some disparity is okay but 15k hp kinda doodoo. And it sucks cause it just hurts both new and returning players. No one logs on and says hell yes can’t wait to queue into 20 ilvls higher and farm 2k cq today. Alternative is to wait until the season ends, which STILL sucks at the start.

Increased cq and honor gain and/or lower requirement for pieces would help a lot. Gear disparity isn’t the entire issue and I myself do like getting better gear over others but the time it takes to grind it is just braindead. Also twice as hard if you’re behind cause everyone is maxed meanwhile you’re 25 ilvls lower.

Or they could do something like Lost Ark.

Once you unlock PVP you get points that you can spend to customize your build. Everyone gets the same number of points. No more gear gimping or crutches - just skill and strategy.


Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin’ alive


I would be embarrassed to tell people I work on this game


Bump. The gearing system sucks. All gear should be scaled to be equal in arena matches. PVP players should not be forced to do a single piece of PVE content in order to get BiS gear / conduits, whatever. The game is a mess. Let PVP people PVP, and let the PVE people PVE, and make PVP about SKILL ONLY.


What do you mean “most people do not like arena”? There are arena championships every season, and I’m pretty sure most pvp players consider arena (specifically 3s) the only real PVP in WoW.

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In fact, they made it worse. They took out the catchup mechanic they added just last patch, so now we can’t even gear up alts again. They gave us a small boost to honor gains, and that was about it. Same exact system. Same power gaps. Same queuing into glads when you are 1k rating. These people are straight up braindead.


Why would they let us have unlimited conquest at the start of the season?
Now after a couple mo ths yea give it back, but not at the beginning.
But I will say.
I was doing solo que, and getting around 800 honor per win.
And then they nerfed honor gains and I haven’t gotten more than 500 honor.
Stupid. So stupid.

almost one year after… pvp gearing is still bad, and pvp itself an unbalanced crap where you are deleted by more geared people, because they play more time than you or pay a boost for rating. devs insist on their fantastic proved wrong “rating gated pvp gear progression like in pve” and now in 9.2 pvp gearing is still a crap… and wait will be a crap again on 9.2.5… and probably on 10.0! can the devs play a little bit more pvp trying this “gear progression”?, go random bgs or warmode with an ungeared character against 70k health pvp geared people? see how fun is!


Tbc has its flaws but is 10x more enjoyable to me than retail


In the expansion reveal they said, “We hear the communities feedback”. How can anyone believe that? We as the PvP community constantly hand-feed them FREE information and do the work for them, yet they can’t even get it right.

FYI there was not a single mention of PvP in the new expansion reveal (outside of the cross-boat world PvP intro section, which is lame and non-related to real PvP anyway). It really boils down to everyone at Blizzard are casual players and most of them are old, which is why nothing about PvP improves.


Aren’t they doing exactly what OP asked for? Sure I wish it’d come for 9.2.5, but better late than never.

If you read my post, they are implementing exactly what we asked for.

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I think you missed the post directly above yours…

PvP gearing is saved.

I agree. PVP should not be used on this site. It is not PVP it is Gear vs Gear …