9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

I completely agree with every point.

Specifically, I think gear being tied to rating actually hurts pvp a ton. New players or returning players not only have to go through brackets up to 1800 to get decent gear vs people who already have that gear but then you have geared players in random bgs and brawls with pvp gear a lot of people can’t get. Pvp has a ton of rewards behind it already, gear doesn’t need to be an incentive to push rating, just let people farm out the gear.

I think WoDs way of pvp gearing was good. You literally just play the game and farm honor/conq and eventually you’ll fill out your conquest gear set. Even if you’re stuck at a low rating, you’ll still get the gear. Everyone will have a full set of conquest gear at some point if they pvp a decent amount which alleviates a lot of current issues. New players will still get crushed but at least they’ll be able to get gear equal to that of everyone else and be on even footing.

I repeated a few points from your post here but I completely agree with you and the entire post.


They took 1 Year to give this kind of solution.
And if this solution dont work
Next solution is bring 9.2 and start new season.

Please Blizzard, we just want the gear to be competitive and obtainable.


Round 3 of them doing this ought to be fun, when do they start getting punished?


When you unsubscribe

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I have been :confused:

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Then you punishing them :smiley:

Hopefully for next ptr build we get pvp gear addressed :frowning:


Oh I think they clearly get it. It can’t get any clearer than the way everyone has stated it. Wanting 2 total sets would make it easier for everyone, encourage alts, and would make it easier to “balance.” They just have a big income stream coming in from the tokens and they don’t want to shut it off for the health of the game. Subs are plummeting and things like this will bring about the demise of the game, and they’re just trying to get as much out of the cash cow before it’s slaughtered.


Bumping this again because there’s feedback about pvp gearing everywhere now and it has yet to be addressed. The current way of gearing is only hurting the game, please listen to this feedback.


Starting to lose what tiny hope I had that 9.1.5 would be the “welcome back” patch for PVPers.

Please acknowledge this issue one way or the other.

  • Lower item-level PvP gear will now scale to a higher item-level in PvP situations than before. This should reduce the power level gap so that new characters can feel that they’re able to compete in Battlegrounds and Arenas more readily. This change will not affect high item-level PvP gear.
  • Additional PvP Titles and Item Level Ranks have been added to provide a more granular upgrade path for players climbing up the ranks.

You have not addressed the core issues here. Having a 3 ilvl disadvantage vs a 6 ilvl advantage at a certain rating is not what anyone was worried about. Having the very first ranks of an already useless set of honour gear was not what players were worried about.

How about rating gates?
How about ilvl disparity (especially unrated vs rated)?
How about the massive grind?


The worst part is grinding honor for honor gear that is quite literally a waste of time and of a vendor. When you could just do mythic plus or have friends take you through a raid. If it was backwards pvers would go ballistic and they would fix it immediately. :frowning:


Worst part are carried gladiators who jumped from years of being challenger to elite or glad in 1 season. I find this like real disrespectful to real gladiators. Its shame blizzard isn’t banning people who sell carries for REAL MONEY AND NOT FOR WOW TOKEN.

I guess they want to kill game and they did tbh, SL is definitely dead. To be honest they should just end SL and move on, this expac is too messed up to fix.

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Very sad and embarrassing that venrukis post and now this post have not left the front page of the forums for like 3 years. I would be ashamed to tell people I work/worked for blizzard.


Maybe they don’t know way to fix it. As if everything is already implemented in SL and its not possible to remove it? Maybe it will need whole different expansion/system to fix it. I don’t know but SL is surely downfall of any respect of PVP aspects.

show vovs and begana

If they would remove rating gates there would at least be MORE pvp activity, its currently hemorrhaging players at an incredible rate, as it actively encourages players not to group with each other outside of their CRs.


SL = Sh%tlands


They asked players to provide feedback and they also asked what they should listen to (on Twitter). This is it right here. Review this thread and please listen to or at least respond to the feedback.


Bumping as i agree with this entirely. I want an even playing field.