9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Go over to the 9.1.5 feedback and bump the posts :slight_smile:


Bumping to keep these posts at the top.


9.1.5 gearing and why it is bad

For exactly the same reasons 9.1 gearing is bad…


I wish this thread would be acknowledged as it would save so many people miserable game play. This is the impact this system has on the casual non-rated player. Condemned to a terrible time trying to even do bgs.


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Almost a thousand likes… You’re gonna be a celebrity before they fix this problem

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“1 honor set, 1 conquest set. No upgrades, nothing tied to rating.”

100% exactly this. Thank you Revo for this post



Remove upgrading. Each piece cost a flat amount. Earn Conquest how we do now and it’s a better system imo.

Conquest earned spent on conquest gear. Honor spent on honor gear. Beginning of season you have a mis match of honor/conquest gear and slowly replace your honor gear with more conquest gear.

Earn honor from all PvP activities and remove honor cap/increase honors gained

Make PvP gear de-incentivized for pve. Maybe ilvl 226 PvE, 259 PvP for example using Current ilvls. (For conquest gear) and 216, 239 ilvl PvE/PvP for honor gear.

Please Blizzard.

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Ptr 9.1.5 forums are up - lots of posts on gear asking for 1 honor 1 conquest set.

Keep this post alive but let’s also boost the ones in the ptr section.

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They just need an honor set and a conquest set. If blizzard wants to give little bonuses for obtaining a certain rating such as the ability to increase conquest cap per week, that’s perfectly fine, but give me the same ability to get the same gear at a slower pace. This will allow the higher rating players to compete early on, and it’ll allow the rest of the player base to be able to compete and feel like they can actually contribute instead of being a free hk. They can’t balance 5 different item levels, so now they’re going to increase it to 9? It’s like being in massive credit card debt and then deciding to buy a boat.


Just un sub and move on. For over a decade they’ve promised to fix the game and have never come through on that promise.

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I wish they would promise to fix PvP gear. All they seem to do is overhaul the gearing every expansion since WoD, and make it worse each time.


I un-subbed along with my friends because of how they are ok with ruining the PvP community/experience for a quick buck on wow token carries. Pissed me off.

I don’t care what people say, wow has the best PvP gameplay out there and no other game, for me, has come close. But I won’t return until this is fixed. It’s so prideful on Blizz’s part to force these systems on us and ignore our feedback.

I want to see them do well because that means the game does well. 1 honor 1 conquest


Everyone who talks about gear like this from blizzard always want to use the “muh rpg” yet create these borrowed powered systems that reminds me nothing more than CoD gimmicks like “jetpack” mechanics in 1 stage and then never seen again.

That’s not role playing progression, that’s just spinning the wheels in place.


I love seeing all the stuff that they are doing for PvE and even the PvE dev’s talking in posts and on Twitter. “We should have heeded community feedback and taken a different direction a year ago.”

Can PvP get some acknowledgement? Can gearing get some needed attention? Can you heed your communities feedback that we spend our valuable time helping provide you with? Or should I just give up and let go of the game I love?


Funny thing is, that they’ve done this 3 times now,

Legion legendries/AP grind
BfA azerite traits/AP levels required for them, No mythic+ azerite armor ones either at the start
Then now In SL its all the conduits/renown/sockets/RATING GATED GEAR.

Like they’ve done this 3 times now, only next xpack if they dont do this ill view that tweet as having some meaning.


Yea, sometimes if feels like they make the game miserable on purpose… I hope this time, them saying they are listening, is sincere and that they resolve the issues with PvP gear. I want nothing more than to continue loving this game, but they make it hard.

First time in 15 years I have felt so discouraged to play the game.


They said they are listening and the new pvp item level changes are what they came up with. At this point I fear that they just simply do not care, and the dwindling sub numbers will continue to reflect that.


Almost 40k views and NOT A SINGLE PEEP FROM BLIZZARD. :flushed:


The new random Feats of Strength were data-mined for combatant 1 & 2, etc. So, looks to me they are still committing to it.