9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

They could tighten those item levels even more tbh. 10 item levels would be more than enough between min and max rank.


The gap was 242-259 for conquest gear this morning, now it’s 233-259. So lower ranked players will have a lower ilvl increasing the gap from 17-26.

Side question…
How does one motivate themselves to play a toon they don’t think they can get 2.1 on? Constantly being under-geared no matter how much grinding I do is killing my motivation and considering starting a toon and being under-geared indefinitely sucks.


I agree with you, but they have to justify the cost somehow. It’d feel real bad to spend a ton of honor/conquest to upgrade 1-2 ilvls. The illusion that we’re getting something out of upgrades needs to be there.

I would still be motivated to update even 1-2 item levels. It’s still something. I wouldn’t grind for it specifically, but I feel like at those high levels people don’t play for gear anyway.

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Was the chart updated between last night and the current version? If so yeah this is a downgrade from the earlier version, but this is still a vast improvement over Live with no downsides.

Last night’s numbers were a downgrade from Live which is why the forums rioted last night.

Personally, I just straight up don’t. My main goal for a season is the elite sets and usually achieving those is a frustrating grind due to the massive gear disparity so I don’t even try to push higher anymore. I sincerely regret not pushing in Legion or WoD.

Once I have all 4 I’ll start messing around but seeing the same few comps and losing to people with no awareness, no CC coordination, and no successful kicks win because I brought a knife against people who have nuclear launch codes is pretty unfun. Actually somewhat looking forward to tier sets again just so I am forced into playing more classes instead of just cheesing my way to 1800 per armor type and quitting.

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h ttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/882713367586934877/883006429169061898/unknown.png
Gap was almost acceptible, if a gap is mandatory, it needs to be minimal like that. Now it’s back to almost 30 ilvls.

This is the problem right, Blizzard is okay with us “straight up not playing alts” and don’t care about the disparity either. They have the completely wrong mindset when it comes to PvP gear and I don’t know what else we can do to try to get this addressed… ):


Ok but there’s still a 26 ilvl gap between the bottom and top end with renown gates still in place along with rating gates, so this isn’t any better if at all.


Zero gap or bust


I agree 100%.

1 honor set 1 conquest set


And see them moving towards an even dumber system just solidified why I’m letting my time lapse



How can this be ignored for soooooooooooooo long?


Or they should just make such a thing that locks players with gear on certain CR. So someone who has 246 wouldn’t be able to play below 2100CR. Someone with 242 wouldn’t be able to play below 1800 and so on.

We all know it is not possible that you are sitting on 246 gear and suddenly drop below 2100 lol… or being 242 2100+ you have nothing to do below 1800 it is not possible you drop this low unless you are doing on purpose .

Want to play with a friend? Np ! Pick lower gear and play

Or make the pve ilvl based off your rating and pvp ilvl is the same across the board


I mean we all know no one plays with friend who is very noob and you are at 2400 + lol.

You would make other toon and then gear up together, so any complain that oh noo if that lock of item lvl and cr works i cant play with friends :frowning:

I just find it pathetic that people pays real money to get gladiator and gear. Carry wouldn’t be able to carry them if he is locked at 2100 unless he picks low gear. Gear is main reason why they can carry this EXTREMILY HORRIBLE players WHO BECOME FAKE GLADIATORS.

So if so called carry is forbidden to que with anyone below 2100 due to his 246 gear, he will have to pick lower gear, so here is our solution. No more GEAR GAP and less carried gladiators as I find it impossible that anyone who knows basics of PVP would pay 500$+ to get gladiator carry :joy: in a game that is not even as popular :joy: :joy:

dont bother engaging with that guy, he’s under the impression that shadowlands is perfect and better than any previous expansion, especially when it comes to pvp gearing. he’s really weird lol


Anyone else notice the honour gear got worse? It used to boost to 242, and now it is back down to 233.

Went from 17 ilvl gap (which is still too high!) to a 26 ilvl gap from honour - conquest.


Not denying that. This change is a band-aid for a symptom since they seem pretty intent on not going after the problem.

But last night instead of a band-aid, they poured salt. This is an improvement to how it was last night, and is still an improvement compared to Live. It just fails to address the fundamental issue as to why this problem even exists in the first place.

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They clearly do not get it. Rating gates and ilvl gaps to go along with them are the issue here.


Please Blizzard, we are begging you!!!

9.1.5 Feedback forums are up. Potentially smaller chance of being ignored there…