9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

I used to host battleground premades for years for casual players. We’re talking entry level roleplayers who are “afraid” of battlegrounds, mixed in with players who just wanted to farm honor, up to R1 players.

Those premades don’t happen anymore because there’s not only no point to casual PvP, but you can’t even do it for fun if you’re that “casual” PvPer because you have to do rated or get stomped.
And after over a decade on and off of organizing actual casuals, they want nothing to do with rated. Them trying to funnel them all into rated to get their gear progression just drove them away from either the game a whole, or away from PvP if - and if - they’re still playing.

Tinfoil hat time; this all seems like some dumb experiment to try and get participation metrics higher in rated because it was likely struggling a bit, but all it’s done is piss off the actual casuals they were trying to get on the ladder because they never cared in the first place, and further annoy people who enjoy rated PvP because we want to play alts and not PvE.


WoD/MoP there was as many people raiding as doing arena.
In cata there was more people pvping than raiding


I just want to be able to play alts without feeling like i’m being punished tbh. 1 honor set 1 conq set, no upgrades (both scale up in pvp to make sure pvers don’t have an advantage)


Dang almost 1100 posts and not one peep from blizzard. oof. :cold_face:


almost 1100 replies, 30k views, almost 700 likes, blizzard has those blindfolds on for this one.


Nah, they said they thought its fun to fill our conquest bar and maybe add a catch up system mid or end season.

The state of PvP is abysmal. So bad that Blizzard should hotfix it, not wait until 9.2. There won’t be many left if they wait that long.


^ agree with that.

Except they have said catch up mechanics apparently feel bad for mains or some crap

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Update: it’s still terrible. Please fix your game, blizzard.


Was doing some arena with buddy and we were think we were fighting people with same gear considering we have 40k hp and 214 gear fighting mostly vs 42-43k hp. - we tried 3s and I invited a 226 monk and he has 40.5k hp…

It was then we remembered he has 10% more hp for being unh dk and I have two 2h weapons which is inflating our hp. That felt kind of bad but in 2s we hit 1570 so we still doing okay…

Blizzard, we are basically begging at this point and you are just leaving us on read… That is the most infuriating part… We are in your forums asking you for help… It’s not one or two people, it’s a majority of your loyal (only you can kill this loyalty) PvPers.


Look at what they released and called a major patch. Korthia is like the Ruby Sanctum of zones and I’m trying to figure out why such a long wait for such a craptastic patch.

The only new thing to is the raid and not everyone likes raiding


Yea, I myself haven’t stepped into the raid or the new dungeon. I enjoy arenas and rbgs and that’s basically it. 9.1 only gave us more homework so they could pad their metrics and make it look like people are enjoying the game.


You seem smart

Here goes to show how much pve I care about blizzard, I didn’t honestly know about the new dungeon lol.

I haven’t found the entrance, it in the maw, I need to go ganking

been playing this game since wotlk and i can honestly say this game is prolly in one of the most unbalanced seasons ive ever seen no healers cuz nobody wants to heal when everything dies in 2 hits. the gear diff is super major this season aswell newer players coming to pvp almost have 0 chance of obtaining the gear these higher elo players are getting. ive talked to prolly 100 different people in 2100 bracket for 3’s and they all say the same thing no skill is required u just blow things up and hope for the best. all ive ever wanted as somone who loves to pvp is to fight a fun match if i lose or win it doesnt matter but when u got 500 people selling carries with classes that have the ability to one shot and they have gear that outmaches yours by 20 or so ilvl it makes it very irritable to lose. most of my friends have even switched to pve simply because the state of pvp is very bad. i used to go into 2100 matches loving it because it was more about outplay levels and not just blowing cooldowns.


^ I want to play chess, but the other team is using a hammer.


Played first 7 arena matches today. Wow, the bottom is gone… I’ve never been good, struggling to make 1400 last season, but at least wins were possible. 0cr 0 wins. Crushed. Not even close. Maybe try adding incentives to attract lower end players.

Four weeks into 9.1, I’ve met the “casual gear item level cap” in pve, and I have nothing to do. Bleak for wow. Off to play the competitor where I still have stuff to do. Gl all.


^ it’s not only miserable for you my guy. I feel you tho.