9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Good luck to you. No they will not fix pvp anytime soon or in the near future. Gotta keep in mind that very little of the wow player base participate in pvp last I checked it was like some 2%?

Blizzard when someone buys a wow token to get boosted

:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:
:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:
:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:
:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:


Holinka once said in mop, that pvp participation in arenas. “Was about equal to Lfr participation”

Keeping in mind that lfr was new, and more challenging when it was first introduced.

This is because pvp was at its healthiest in MoP
They had a crafted set that gave you a base amount of pvp power/resilience, which could be upgraded through honor and then conquest. The conquest cap was easy to fill and this put plenty of casual players in queue, which kept the ladder healthy.

No pve players paying for boosts, (pvp stats were counted in stat weights, making pvp gear undesireable for pvers) no high rated pvpers slumming it up in the 1400 bracket.

Now? Because of how they handled pvp from legion up? The casual pvper is all but evaporated.


Take me back to MoP


I think they do it from metrics showing a lotta players never doing alts

same kinda metrics that show when they make major balance changes a ton of players quit because their toon is no longer fotm

I prefer alts and reasonable grinds for mains with shortcuts for alts but a lotta players don’t play like us

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I’m pretty sure this is the majority of the playerbase


Back to the top

Those metrics are invalid, right now I am playing alts A TON cause I am trying to keep three to four in a decent spot to see which couple I decide on not because I want to spend so much time on them or that I can.

They taint their own metrics by forcing so much borrowed power grinding cause it shows people playing. Yes, they are playing but they are miserable cause it’s all homework. They need to ignore metrics and listen to the community.


bump before work

A problem they will never solve, because they don’t care. Period. “Don’t you guys have phones?” A company with that attitude feels they are in a place not to care about a damn thing.

If you try to contact Blizzard for ‘game feedback’, it takes you straight to these forums. We all know they don’t respond to any of our serious concerns, which is disheartening. They may check out the forums once in a while, but to have the lack of confidence and decency to respond to genuine issues in the game is an awful feeling.

I know a lot of the posts and complaints don’t speak for the majority of players, but gearing is a serious issue- especially in PvP. Like I said a few posts above, not only do we have to manually work to get max level, the gearing process takes an unfathomable amount of time to get into PvP. I’ve been playing my alt ~20 hours a week (for the last three weeks) and I’m still at 150 ilvl. I have over 1,200 days played on this game overall, so I can only imagine how this feels to a new player who has really no idea what they’re doing.


MoP was awesome for PVP. The most fun I ever had in the game.

Sadly, Blizzard will never go back to that model. The current system encourages boosts, which drives token sales, that increase Blizzard’s profits. Blizzard needs the profits from token sales more than ever due to the flagging number of subscriptions.

The whole thing sucks because Blizz would likely be making more money from subs AND tokens if they just made a really fun game.


^ mop was the golden age. Pls take me back.


I heard someone say MOP was awful (maybe it was a pve’er though), and I was like I thought I heard very differently on the forums.

I played like 1 month in MOP and never got anywhere b/c I had no idea what I was doing after coming back from a long break. But yeah I just miss old wow.

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MoP was my favorite PvP by far. Gearing was straight forward to get BIS and as somene mentioned earlier, there were enough spells that most classes could react to others (pre-pruning).


^ mop had 2 sets, honor and conquest… that’s all we needed. Mop was alt friendly, the devs have so many things to look off of when making changes, yet they do nothing and ignore the entire pvp player base. You hate to see it.


Bump for all PvPers, fix gear disparity please.


Not letting this thread die ever.


terrible gearing system, needs a squish and go back to just 2 tiers of gear… one honor set, one conquest set and ffs lets have back the TBC style vendors. that means TBC where EVERYTHINNNNNNGGGG was on the vendors, you could pick your rings/etc. at least to a point, ha.

make a catchup system for all the ppl that just HAVE to switch from venthyr to kyrian… for the 2nd time or whatever. seriously, hasnt the grind of over a decade taught you, blizz, what really costs you customers? we get some of you want to sunset this game but come on…


Notice no blues? Terrible game, terrible service. I seriously only play because I need something to do stuck inside.

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