9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Blizzard, fix pvp gearing. I’ve been subbed to this game for 10+ years and the only thing I sub for is the pvp.

Fix pvp gearing before it’s too late.


exactly !! there is no skill involved , how the hell is it fair to try kill some1 with 10+ item lv on you

rating should have NOTHING with gear
keep it fair competing equally for titile , mount , transmog

and the bleed will continue , most of my guild left the game because how unenjoyable it becoming , it’s an EASY fix but they chose to ignore the majority of players feed back .


I don’t feel good bashing blizzard and complaining constantly, but I’ve spent 14 years of my life pvping on this game… so I’m pretty passionate about it. I never thought it would come to a point like this where the company is spitting in the face of its ride or die fans, we’re asking for simple SIMPLE changes, 1 honor set and 1 conquest set. The gearing and upgrade system in place now has NO place in pvp.


^ 10 chars

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They said they wanted to make gearing like WoD.

Rating gating and renown gating pvp gear was never in WoD.

How hard is it to go back to something that worked without changing it for the worse?


They made it seem like they were going to address the gearing/upgrade issue in 9.1 and then just turned around and SOMEHOW managed to make it worse lol. It’s comical at this point, but also pretty sad.


Ditto this. In addition to implementing 1 honor set and 1 conquest set, please remove battlemaster and male trinkets blizzard.

Yea, I was hoping to be able to start some alts this season but would take hours to grind gear that isn’t as good as last seasons gear. I wish they would help us. ):


yes please… :face_with_thermometer:


Ain’t that the truth.

The gear system is like having a college baseball team go against a MLB team. Then you give the MLB team a corked bat while the college team uses a wiffleball bat.


still bumping for justice.


the gearing system is such a joke, i replace my 220 with 252, 32 ilvl increase, imagine someone 6 slot ahead.

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I’m running my time out and won’t be resubscribing. I don’t have time to do several hundred arena matches to attain gear, nor do I want to do them. If they keep this gearing system as is then I will applaud the downfall of blizzard when it inevitably happens. How they can’t get it right after almost 17 years is beyond me. If they keep catering to the 1% that’s the percentage of people you’ll have playing your game. Fix this blizzard.


The thing is that even the 1% of pvpers, like 3k+ players do not even want this gearing system. Item upgrades every season in non rated/rated pvp is simply bad for everyone across the board. This gearing system helps nobody and is enjoyed by nobody.


You are right about who they are catering to, but you are wrong for thinking it’s the video game playerbase.

They cater to shareholders and use morally wrong tactics to prey on habit forming personalities and FOMO (fear of missing out) they really really pump that FOMO.

It’s enjoyed by the shareholders, they only care about money and money is still being made.

They actually make more money off your play if you buy a gold sub, than if you just had a cash sub.
The cost has just shifted to another person and upped


Y´Know sista!

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bumping because i’m a quality human being. how’re you guys doing this evening?

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I do not envy you love