9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Like I opened my chest and for duelist s1 to rival s2 gear having effectively a 26 ilvl increase is insane, especially since there is about 6 ilvls to go.
Dear God, what where they thinking?


I think the gear scaling huge on second season is fine as it encourages participation heavily in the first 3 months for vault and competitiveness. However, alts need to have a way to catch up immediately to 226 in honor gear.

That is a huge jump though, it’s not good at all.

It’s how we get stat squishes every xpac.
They do it this way to invalidate the raids before, which is just idiotic to remove your own content in that way.

I know it sounds crazy but WoW’s gear jumps stimulates activity across the board in MMO since 20 years ago. It’s been like that since classic people getting a new piece that significantly invalidates last raid. It’s like getting gun perks in cod that significantly effect your aiming speed etc - that customization and effectiveness feels good once you max it out or at least get close to optimal. (Gems Enchants Upgrades etc.)

PVP has been the same as it gives a reason for pvpers to build up a new set each season which increases overall power. If it was the same every season with no changes it’d get pretty stale. Sure new maledict trinket is hard and unfun at times but it already has warped the meta significantly to think fast on a new pvp trinket or get heavily punished. I think if you could use s1 weapons the whole expansion and no damage changes, it’d make it super easy to play whenever you want **** but it would give many people less reasons to log on after hitting glad in a season.

If they reverted glad to a percent base vs a lul 2400 and done then I’d be happy if the ilevel wasn’t much different as that would be the other reason to log in as to continue grinding the ladder and building skill.

Do I have fun in PVP? Sure, but one of Wow’s strengths is making players invest time regardless if its casual friendly or not in many aspects of their game. I need a reason to pvp weekly kind of like work paying bills its out of necessity. It’s not for everyone.

No no no no.

People were still running ulduar and toc for off pieces and trinkets in wrath.
Healers still ran ulduar every week for a chance at finishing that legendary.

It wasn’t until legion(? Maybe wod) that caused the ilvl of the easiest level of the raid to be equal to gear of the last patch.

It should make people want to invest because it’s fun, not because of some bs artificial time bloat.

There is a reason why historically when the gear was easier to obtain, participation is higher.

And the ladder is at being healthy or two because you get to have more experimentation with comps.

Where if we get like this, people will tend to stick with the strongest comps their streamers are running and don’t see what combos can or will work.

That’s how you end up getting nothing but 1 thing you see


thats sooooooooooo BS, if we had tier sets they could EASILY make the stats of a classes set to compliment them and also make sure certain things dont go overboard. It’s like, if they control the stats of the set and bonuses etc. and give other classes specific bonuses to counter other classes overall they would have more control over the classes and balancing would be easier overall. I dont really know how to explain it or put it into words in a cohesive way but basically if everyone was 200iL they could make sure certain classes didnt exceed others by what their set was like. for example a really bursty class would scale differently than a class thats consistent dam, to make sure burst isnt better than consistent damage or vice versa

I hope you know that they have never ever balanced the game regardless of this gear dilemma that should get better if people stick with playing for a month of active pvping. There has always been a ton of different things each class brings to the game that is op and damage has never been close to each other because of the burst cooldowns and windows each class has in its own way.

For example rogue is iconic for its multiple consecutive stun and kill potential as its complete lockdown on that player. People hate rogues because of this burst window.

Their damage hasn’t always been top but the way they can easily get their full damage off on a stunned character is stronger than a ret was for eons. Sure ret is god level right now cause of divine toll shenanigans with final verdict but it was weak as heck for years.

This imbalance of power in pvp cause classes are way different still remains, but there has been way more combos now of teams then I’ve seen in the past in shadowlands. I’d go to say it’s the best it’s been on class diversity since MOP.

Don’t forget mop had the most unfair balancing for healers the game has ever seen. Think how broken monks were.

226 scaled pvp level honor gear for Alts is the biggest step to fixing this disparity.

Gearing to 259 over the season isn’t as bad as before but maybe set the bar even lower for competitive integrity of those who start late.

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Strawman, no need to read further kids


i have a 190 ring a 246 wep and a 216 wep. the ilvl diff is such horrible design


Boosting = more wow tokens being purchased…

Literally no other reason for this ridiculousness to continue. The message from players has been clear.

Return to one conquest gear level. Re-introduce a pvp stat like resilience. Ratings, titles, transmogs, and mounts for the best of the best. That’s enough.


Totally, the whole upgrading gap and gears being locked behind ratings are pointless. It makes pvp system even more unbalanced atm. Ratings and titles are supposed to be incentives for players to persist but right now Blizzard is doing the opposite. It seems to be a punishment if you don’t reach that rating to get the full upgrade. Of course people can gear up probably after a month but this pvp ecosystem is not something we wish to see in SLs. I really hope they could work on that in 9.2. Just listen to players. Before, arena is all about skill because players do not have to worry about that absurd gear gap. But now it’s all about gear. Make up that gap and move on and keep grinding.

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Gear ilevel jump is a huge problem across the entire game.

And honor gear is starter gear so the renown gates are pointless now that honor gear has a lower ilevel.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


it’s kind of comforting to see how blizzard has treated us like the red headed step child, ignored everything we asked for ( even the simple things like no pvp ilvl increases ) and they cater the game to pvers… all the while the PVE players are leaving them for Final Fantasy LMFAO. you love to see a company play themselves, absolutely legendary.


Textbook example of what happens when a company turns to greed and loses sight of what made them successful in the first place


This post steals my daily allotment of likes lol, I would give you one too

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I just leveled an alt to 60 and I am appalled at the gearing process I need to go through to even remotely try and compete with anyone in PvP. From my understanding, in order to gear, this is the most viable process we have to go through:

  • Campaign questing just to access Korthia. Then quest in Korthia for gear.

  • Maw questing for Stygia for loot boxes for gear.

  • Heroic/Mythic dungeons for gear.

  • Then Raiding for gear.

  • PVP honor gear isn’t currently a viable option to gear :question: :question: :question:

They’re seriously telling us to get ALL of our PvP gear from everything except PvP. PvP gear isn’t even viable because it’s gatelocked from the weekly renown lockout.

This thread is literally hand feeding Blizzard insight on what they need to do. Can’t believe they don’t acknowledge this at all.


This is the company that is quoted in a Q&A at a con with a dev joking about how they like to say “shut up pvp guy”

My last days of wow, are summed up in korthia (get reputation for gems), tower (farming legendary), I can’t arrange group by the low lvl of pvp items. 90% of my casual pvp player friends have stopped playing. After years it’s time to move on to another game. New World awaits me. Good luck to everyone, maybe one day our dear pvp, come back as it was


le bump …

Unlocked flying and also am unsubbed. Gl to you all sticking around. I really hope they fix pvp soon.

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