9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

You can’t even get honor gear upgraded to 220 until you hit the required covenant rank which will be time gated and several weeks into 9.1 at which point ilvl 220 gear will be equivalent to current 197 gear.


Hilarious, I forgot that honor gear was covenant locked. What a disaster. Honestly this system is inexcusable.


rpg something something


Yeah. The “catch up” gear is inferior to current top gear and is time gated on top of that. What a clown show Blizzard has become in order to soak in those token sales.


Isn’t the starting point for conquest gear 220?

Unsure, if so: Why?

We did it guys!! We complained enough that they decided to somehow make gearing worse in 9.1 then it was in 9.0.


More importantly, we have preserved the RPG feel of this MMORPG. Without gear advantages, the game would be completely empty of any meaningful choices such as race, class, spec, talents, professions, faction, stat choice, weapon choice, appearance (like hair, face, skin color, beard length, etc), pets, transmogs, covenants (lawl)…etc.

/sarcasm off


No thats ridiculous…

Anyway 18 hours left on my sub…who else quitting? lol


bro i cant waiiitttt for the insane massive influx of posts complaining (rightfully so) how bad casual pvp is going to be in patch 9.1

these forums r gonna be lit mane


Let’s keep this thread the top thread for the entire xpac. Maybe we will see change NEXT NEXT season… or… somethin


Maybe one day I can recommend this game to friends.


Maybe one day I wont bite my nails when someone new to the game says they want to PvP for the first time… :upside_down_face: I fear for noobies so much.


Nah, they are playing FF14 instead.

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There should be absolutely NO gear upgrades for PvP AT ALL. The entire point of the game mode is for those who want to OUTPLAY their adversaries, not win due to gear, unless they are horrible at the game and need a wheelchair system like the one we have now. If there is gear SCALING then that is all we need. Everyone gets the same level of gear and SKILLS determine how well you preform. The ONLY reason Blizzard REFUSES to change this is because they want you to hit the gear wall, feel hopeless and resort to taking your credit card out of your wallet and BUYING WOW TOKENS TO PAY GOLD FOR CARRIES SO THEY GET RICH. How disgustingly GREEDY can you be to sabotage your own game just to make money off of people who want to have fun. What a SCAM.


Pay2win like Oozo eloquentLY explained.


Hit the nail on the head with this one!

Holinka said that it would be better to have 3 ilvls below in every bracket. Honestly i think this would be as close as to what we want. But still, there is a handicap. Just revert back to WOD fully or MOP or a child of both. Why can´t we have a hybrid between MOP and WOD. That would be awesome for PVP.

No, what he said was to add even more tiers to gear.

So, instead of jumping 6ilvl at 1400-1600, you get 3 ilvl 1400-1500, and 3 ilvl 1500-1600.

It will do absolutely nothing and again shows how ignorant of the player experience they are.

^ this.


So I’ll drop this new video from Warroid, who examines the honor gear system. Alts don’t look like they’ll be playable at all, without playing 8 hours a day. Grinding M+ seems faster than honor in 9.1, and I’m unsure if fresh alts will be able to gear through arena given even higher ilvls to overcome. Maybe world quests will drop higher ilvl loot? Of course, that will probably be renown gated as well.

I was looking forward to playing alts in 9.1, but it looks even more restrictive than 9.0.

Edit: clarity.