9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

let me help you

  1. Do you not know who Preach is?
  2. Do you know what domination gear/gems are?
  3. Do you know where you get domination gear/gems from?
  4. Do you understand what 9% more dmg is?
  5. Last do you know who Ion is?
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pretty much if it go’s live

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even with less Versatility ? I guess we have to wait till tested

There’s raid equipment with versatility on it as well as sockets

I see what you are saying ,

time to rejoin a raid guild

[Veil of the Banshee Queen - Item - 9.1.0 PTR (wowhead.com)](https://ptr.wowhead.com/item=186325/veil-of-the-banshee-queen?bonus=6805)

46 Armor
+87 Intellect
+162 Stamina
+100 Versatility (2.50% @ L60)
+47 Mastery (1.34% @ L60)


Idk if the heroic raid gear will be better than max level PvP gear. Probably only mythic I’d imagine

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I agree that the PVP ilvl upscaling in PVP content is great, but it should be a 2 way change. PVE gear should also downscale in PVP content.

The reason why I say this is because the primary PVP stat is also on PVE gear, and depending on the class/specialization, may also be the ideal secondary stat.

I understand that the versatility amount on PVE gear is not as high as that on PVP gear, but it can still be adequate in a lot of scenarios. For example, you have a PVE player with 220+ mythic+ dungeon gear. They can collect mythic+ PVE versatility gear to be used in PVP on the side.

Would their 220+ partial versatility gear really be worse than 213 (already includes upscaling) PVP gear? I don’t know the answer to this, but it sounds discouraging.

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I agree- TBC classic has shown the flaws in versatility and PvP gearing in general. No need for gear walls/ranks and the need for a pure PvP stat

I know how to make people happy. Don’t require PVP gear for PVE and don’t require PVE gear for PVP. The end. That’s it. Hire me.

Most of your player base likes doing either PVE or PVP. Only a minority of players like doing both. Don’t force us to do things we don’t like doing.


would be funny if we just kept bumping this thread until they fix this crap.

we will be playing in patch 13.2 and this thread will have 200k posts and still no change


I really enjoyed WOD to I just want to pvp not grind pve for stupid things if I want to pvp it’s not fun it is a chore. I just returned after 3yrs and I wwas so excited to hit 60 and finally ppv again but now i see how the gearing is and how long it takes and the torghast and conduits it takes to much time for 1 character let alone never being able to play alts now I quit since the game is no fun and feels like a chore I dont rly mind grinding if im having fun but dying in stuns through all def cds to some one with better gear is no fun so buh bye again blizzard fix this so your gamew will be loved again till then RIP wow the only mmo that had gd competitive pvp


Just wanna bring more attention to this issue. I haven’t played since the interview, and don’t intend to come back unless they change gearing.


The interview was depressing


we kinda need some1 with a little more spunk than venruki to conduct the next interview.

hes a great guy, a cool dude and all but we need some1 whos not employed by blizz to host these things. (isnt he hired by them to comment on AWC and stuff?, maybe thats why he may be intimidated to talk back / debate things that are said)

not like it would matter, we voice our opinions loud and clear on these forums, and on subreddits but nothing ever changes.

blizzard does it their way with little to no regard for what the players say they want

I agree someone like Stoopzz

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Blizzard decides who gets the interview not the other way around

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doesn’t matter who does the interview, they’d still skate around every question and feign ignorance to anything legitimate. the interview was pr, nothing more. like those amas on reddit sponsored by ruffles


I think this thread will continue well into patch 9.1.5. That is my prediction!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I think that enough of the people who were following this thread have given up on SL so it will die.


Then it is up to me LMAO.

But it is what it is!
