9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Your season high is 3000 so I don’t know how you consider that stuck. Do you realize the stupidity of highlighting the fact you hit r1 on an undergeared alt, in a thread you created, whining about how important gear is?

Gear 100% matters, fighting in the 1400s we face nothing but 38-42k HP players. Coming in with a max of 33k we get absolutely crushed. Basically are on the def the entire fight and it does not matter what its vs. Do we win some fights sure when the gear is fairly equal. The small ilvl you think there is is much bigger than you understand. Small rets hitting for 4k 3x judgements vs 226 rets hit for 7k 3x judgements. Again you might think oh thats nothing but 21k vs 12k is massive when HP pools for non boosted people stuck with 207 gear.


i would like to see some high end arena games where one team has a 7 ilvl advantage over the other team, i am interested to see who would win more out of 10 games or so.

my money is on the dudes with the gear advantage, even if its “just 7 item levels”


Bump in Hope’s hulkino addresses this today

in before they decide to make the gear gap even larger


If we can’t put our differences aside and advocate for something like this, we’ll never have a healthy pvp gameplay or experience:

ilvl 200 - Unranked
ilvl 207 - 1400 (Combatant)
ilvl 210 - 1500
ilvl 213 - 1600 (Challenger)
ilvl 216 - 1700
ilvl 220 - 1800 (Rival)
ilvl 223 - 1900
ilvl 226 - 2100 (Duelist)
ilvl 233 - 2400 (Elite)

Someone call Stoopzz

i think every1 should have 0 ilvl until they get 3k rating

then at 3k rating they get 500 ilvl gear

these filthy casual scum dont deserve the gear if they dont put in the work


No. FFS No. We dont want gear that is locked behind rating for the 10,000 time.


Agreed. Although I have no problem obtaining said gear, I still agree. Locking gear behind rating is so toxic and unnecessary. Just give us back two gear sets–one honor and one conquest set. :persevere:


Such a simple solution that they just refuse to acknowledge


Quoting for truth


Bump. This needs to be addressed at the Q&A


Absolutely not. Putting gear behind rating is dumb. Want make higher rating desirable? Make so conquest reward increases with higher CR and that’s it. Better playes will get gear faster but, after some time, everybody should always be on an even playingfield. That’s what make anything competitive.

How would you feel if there was a 300HP difference between cars in NASCAR? would that be “competitive”?


Whelp boys looks like the near 800 responses we’ve given to this thread weren’t enough for it to get noticed. Gear shall remain rating locked in 9.1.


Fans of templates weren’t loud enough on legion and BFA. We have this aberration of a system now and a broken game and is wholly justified with “muh RPG!!!”


Oh wow my main is in your guild. Yeah totally agree I don’t think I can stomach coming back next season.

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9.1 is gonna be so dead bros lol


He was right that things weren’t bad at the start of the season, but Holinka seems to fail to recognize that we are not starting with an even playing field with 9.1. So, a midseason “catch up” doesn’t work. There needs to be an early season catch up system.

The honor gear needs to be quick catch gear to 220ish (in pvp) for the start of season two. If it remains “progression gear” locked behind a massive honor grind and two renown time gates then it is totally worthless.


There is zero chance they take feedback seriously, i dunno. I don’t have good words at this point.


well we tried lads.

ty to Revo for making the well constructed post, and for all who tried to BUMP the thread to the top.

at least we can say we tried.