9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

according to these forums, 2100 is considered average. At least by the top players, 2800+ :expressionless:

I’m not a serious player and haven’t been for a long time, but the gear differential is frustrating and I don’t understand why they refuse to change it.

I genuinely don’t think they’ve helped PvE or PvP’s participation in any long term way by what they’ve done since WoD. I wasn’t a huge fan of templates cause I liked, in theory anyways, the idea of being able to choose between vers gear and the set bonuses.

But goodness, templates are so much better than anything they’ve done since. It’s like some cursed monkey paw nonsense.

Make an honor set, a conquest set, and let everyone who plays enough PvP get fully geared eventually. Make it mediocre in PvE, sub-heroic raid like it was, I don’t care. It can be a stepping stone or filler gear for alts then, who cares. The game’s rained gear down upon players of ALL skill/investment levels since Legion anyways.

You can still keep some form of progression, some form of treadmilling sub counts (ENGAGEMENT BRUH), the gear differential in casual PvP still exists so people can stomp undergeared scrubs, whatever else the case may be.


This issue seriously needs to be addressed.

BUMP for a good cause

I agree buff mindblast and give spriest a pvp legendary

This issue won’t be addressed because blizz are morons


Just back to bump

Fist bump.

How many of you are prepared to cancel subs if 9.1 doesn’t improve the pvp experience and/or no actual meaningful pvp gear/rating changes are introduced?

For me, I just came back after 2 months off and I plan to give 9.1 a full 2 months before I decide whether to cancel again.

I don’t think threatening them with sub cancels will mean much although it could very well happen. I think they also attribute a lot of the inactivity in PvP to be from no recent updates to the game and not to gearing. I’d disagree with that, but I feel strongly that’s what they believe. This type of thing also takes a lot of time to really build up frustration in the community and doesn’t lead to immediate quitting by people. I really hope they will fix it before it’s too late and a lot of people just quietly depart, but at this point I’m not at all hopeful of any changes to gearing in 9.1 beyond what we have already seen.


Might as well post a gigantic ASCII swastika in here, since apart from you the community reporting it, Blizzard won’t ever notice themselves.

Change. This. System. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Let’s get 1000!

bump n stuff

1 honor set, 1 conquest set. No upgrade. No rating requirement.


I don’t mean threats to unsub - I was curious to see who on here would leave the game after trying 9.1 if the changes didn’t amount to an improvement in the pvp experience for them.

It’s all well and good to come onto the forums and discuss this but at some point if things aren’t improving in a way that makes the game more enjoyable I think the next reasonable course of action is to cancel and move on or at least cancel and take a break.

I don’t really care for people that log on to the forums and yell and scream and threaten to cancel if things aren’t changed and so far this thread has been pretty good about people debating/discussing solutions or at least modifications to the system to improve it for a wide range of different players. I think that’s great however sooner or later we all need to decide whether it’s worth it or not to keep paying a monthly sub for a game where you and many like minded people are largely ignored by the developers because they just don’t agree and quite like the current system.

Time will tell but I thought it would be interesting to know who on here is considering that if 9.1 goes bust for them.


Tbh, I don’t think anything will change for 9.1 (or anytime during SL for that matter). Blizz “may” change it to make it better in the next xpac - and that’s a HUGE assumption based on what happened with recent xpacs, where things are only getting worse…


Planting the seeds early. Honestly you should be permanently banned, along with all of your friends, including your dozen alt accounts and theirs. This is getting ridiculous.

  1. You boost people.
  2. You also complain about boosting, while boosting.
  3. You’re only trying to enforce this ludicrous idea that gear is all that matters and people literally can’t play without a 227 ilvl, which is not true.
  4. Those people then panic and buy a boost from you. Go figure.

Gear does not matter.
197 ilvl = 32k hp and 25% vers
227 ilvl = 40k hp and 30% vers

What does matter:
Covenant choice
Renown 30

For those saying gear is important; there are literally zero (0) people playing in the same bracket that they bought a boost to. Every single one of them have tanked down below 1800 - which is where they started from.

I’ll say it again; you should be banned not only ladder manipulation but also for intentional griefing. I’m curious how many people have q’d into you in a low bracket and have since quit, or the people who have bought a boost from you and realized they have no reason to play anymore.

I can’t fathom how people are dumb enough to fall for this charade. As if you didn’t just create this thread because of the upcoming “weekly win” change that will drive away 90% of your customers.

With that said, I like the current gearing system. I enjoy upgrading my gear as it gives me something to do.

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One honor set, one conquest set. No rating locked gear. Just a grind, shorter for those with more skill.


I’m more than certain you’re a troll, but I’ll bite:


I actually made this post after leveling and gearing an alt warrior and experiencing how horrible the discrepancy felt when playing with 2 other many times over r1 players - being stuck around 2600 losing mirror matches because of gear was not fun for us and I can’t imagine how it is for people who are new :).

You’re also not considering the several hundred mainstat as well as the stat of your choice, etc. etc. blah blah

Not untrue, doesn’t mean gear is not a major factor as well though.

I would love to refer you to every one of my warriors and their oh-so-low boosting mmr OF COURSE:

I’ll even throw in my paladin that I frequently q LFG with that doesn’t even have 227 btw:

This part definitely solidifies the troll considering the weekly win is actually going to INCREASE boosting numbers LOL.

ANYWAYS, bump. Still not fixed. Hopefully we get answers tomorrow.


Unsubbed, tired of complaining with no response or fix in sight so Ill just play other games, and make sure none of them are Blizzard or Activision just out of pettiness.

I referenced this post when it asked why I unsubbed ;p

How exactly are you suppose to get better or have fun at PVP when you are constantly running into people 20 ilevels above you?



Good reply, but do NOT engage with that person. They are a notorious troll and when confronted with logic and facts they double down on their poor arguments and attempt to engage in a never ending back and forth with you.


“I actually made this post after leveling and gearing an alt warrior and experiencing how horrible the discrepancy felt when playing with 2 other many times over r1 players - being stuck around 2600 losing mirror matches because of gear was not fun for us”

worst part is, the gear system 99% of the time ONLY effects the lesser skilled players, players at the top end like you pretty much all play on an even field most of the time cos its full geared vs full geared, it just makes the lower brackets miserable when trying to learn and improve.

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