9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Based on honor costs to upgrade gear what was true in beta remains true now on live. PVP honor gear is supposed to fill in gaps of your PVE garing.

But when they are changing how PVP gear scales in PVP and lower ilevel in PVE it throws a huge monkey wrench in the upgrading concept.

They should scrap the concept of needing to upgrade honor gear.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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No argument from me here.

Without Blizzard addressing this topic I will unfortunately have to tell my (several) friends interested in playing not to bother purchasing SL. Token sales might be ‘good’ for short term profits, but turning away new/returning players from pvp and driving away active players from staying subbed can’t be good for the long-term health of WoW.


If they want new players in the game they need to make pvp more accessible and less of a grind for all players. There is no need for these massive item level gaps.


they want to bankrupt the game, no changes and answers

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I am back to show some more support for this thread. Interestingly enough Holinka responded to on of Stoopz posts today about a dev interview. All he left was a thinking emoji. Perhaps some info is coming?


anotha day
anotha bump

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0 need whatsoever. Literally no one asked for this…


I miss mop when you ground you conquest gear and then could just be competitive. Now, playing alts, always undergeared and at a disadvantage even though I have spent days grinding honor and conquest. There being a 70 ilvl difference between started pvp gear and max level conquest gear is not cool. This system is the first that has made me consider canceling my sub.


This is on point. I have played since Vanilla and this is the first system that has made me consider cancelling.



pvp gearing is poop. its literally killing the game lol uwu xd

plz fix


Just here to bump this thread again.

Might as well give 9.1 a shot however unless they address the power gap issues and locking gear behind a rating, I don’t have a lot of faith that pvp will be all that much better then it is now.


In the time that you’ve created this post to now, blizzard has merged the oceanic battlegroup with NA and then reverted the change. (In TBC)

It’s obvious they are just choosing to not respond to the outcry against 9.1 gearing and how it fails to level the playing field. Just give cosmetics instead of ilvl for rating bracket rewards. Maybe bring glad back to % based and leave elite and an unarmored glad mount for 2.4.

Do anything. 9.1 just isn’t.


plz blizzard.

plz respond.


You’ll never get a response from these pricks. They are obviously under orders to reply to NOTHING.

Blizz must be a pretty awful place to work right now. My heart goes out to all the good people still working at blizz putting up with the corporate scum who now rule the place.


Since 9.1 is likely a month away from now it’s possible we will see more changes to pvp that could include the things we’re talking about. If we don’t see an improvement New World is just around the corner and I can see a lot of people leaving this game to at least try that one.

another day another bump

blizzard, this is the biggest thread in pvp right now… by miles.

we will bump daily until we get an answer. you cant brush this under the rug.


how many players will the blizzard lose by not listening to the community?


a lot. but the weekly win requirement in 9.1 will skyrocket token sales so who cares

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Can someone please ask in the interview thread if they’re willing to revert the 9.1 gearing changes? The changes address an issue that frankly doesn’t exist; obviously no one wants BFA again where pve gear > all, but that’s not what’s happening with the current system.

If we look at ladder, we see at all levels that PVP gear >pve gear in pvp situations.
If we look at warcraft logs and raider.io, PVE gear > pvp gear in pve situations.

This change DOES make gearing significantly more punishing for alts/people who join the season late, and is doubly punishing for people who pvp AND pve since they get screwed by having to pick between the two for the vault.

For pve concerns that people “have” to pvp for pve, that situation really hasn’t existed since raid drops were buffed and valor was implemented. RWF guilds will still need to for RWF, badge trinkets, and haste/verse pieces because those pieces wont exist in pve even with the changes.

Furthermore, the changes don’t address any concerns (out ilvling brackets, the insane honor grind, etc)

The proposed change don’t make anything better for anyone, but do make things worse for a lot of people.