9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Until they remove the stupid ilvl gap on the PVP gear and the rating requirement, the system will still be crap. Better players will still get access to better gear which will, again, make much harder for less experienced players to compete against. So far, the proposed changes didn’t fix anything IMO.


Gear in WoW is like playing a fighting game against a pro, except the pro has a significant positive handicap setting to crush you even harder.


As someone who has done Arena since 2007 and Rated Battle Grounds since their release in Cata (As well as S1-Now Hero), I agree with this post.

The “Warlords of Draenor” PVP gear scaling system was removed for a reason. As OP as mentioned, this changes does nothing to address the issues of PVP and PVP gearing currently.

This expansion is such a mess… Two bad expansions in a row. %$^# it i’m out


The thing is I don’t want to quit but I probably will due to Blizzards incompetent. They refuse to listen, this is by far the worse state I’ve ever seen the game in, and again there has been hardly any communication by the devs.

The gear difference and the grind to obtain the gear just kills any desire I have of having and all, and the fact they haven’t balanced any thing in month makes the game play super stale. All we see now are warriors and BM with Hpriest… its so frustrating.

Again, I don’t want to quit and I want the game to be good but with the being the second s***** xpac in a row and with there unwillingness to listen and make good changes to the gearing I may have no choice and leave.


The level of items divided by classification is ridiculous. If the blizzard doesn’t change, I’ll switch to another game


WoD “scaling” worked with the rest of WoD, the scaling itself was not what made the difference.

What made it work was that it allowed PVE and PVP gear to be separated so PVP gear could be earned fast and by anyone (no rating gates) without disrupting the holy PVE gear progression.

Not that this matters though, I certainly am not playing anymore.


Honestly I’m pretty sure Activision wants WoW dead. That way they don’t even have to pretend they care and can just fully invest in p2w mobile games for China.

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“Wtb arena carries for my rating gated gear. “

WoW is already pay to win.


Actually started laughing out loud when I read this. Unbelievable.

edit: in fairness they updated the article and added this:
Please note - this piece was initially sent out with an error. It has since been edited to reflect the author’s original intent, showing that PvP gear was the best for PvP in MoP and WoD, and will be the best for PvP in Shadowlands Patch 9.1.

They also mention how long it takes to grind honor and how there are big power gaps, but they do finish the article off by saying “PvP gearing is the best it has been in years, and this indicates that Blizzard has been listening to the community in this regard.” which is technically true but still really disingenuous imo.

No way does Aveng believe Blizzard is listening to us on gearing. At best they have selective hearing, at worst they are deliberately twisting our requests into something they know we will hate while still technically giving us what we want so they can say they “listened” and blame the players for never being happy.


There needs to be 2 pvp gear sets, an honor set and a conquest set. No upgrades, no rating requirements. Its that simple.


Heyoo! I was away for a couple days, haha! Boy 711+ replies, in all that time, I bet this post went blue… PvP is on its way to being fixed… and balance is being restored. :slight_smile: Right?


RIGHT?! :sob:


I say we go for 1000 replies.


Until they address gear locked behind rating and the way high rated players can abuse the matchmaking system to boost people I don’t think pvp is going to improve for the majority of the player base.


They do this on purpose so they can justify ignoring feedback going into expansions.

Playing from vanilla to mop, my only gripe was class balance. We’ve already solved PvP gear. Resilience/PvP power/ilvl scaling in rated PvP. They all worked. Scaling being my least favorite because then if you want to dabble in PvE you are useless.


It’s hard to not improve based on what was there berfore (BfA and S1 SL), right? This is intellectual dishonesty at best. Gearing still sux, just because is “better than it was before” doesn’t mean it’s remotely good.


The concept of PvP is that it is based off of skill. This is why in my opinion gear was perfect in MoP for pvp. Elite gear only had better visual effects but these massive item level gaps did not exist. This makes it easier for new players to learn and allows alts easier access to the game. With the current set up grinding stygia for gem slots and conduit upgrades on multiple toons plus the gear gaps feel awful. Not to mention our alts have these 12k conquest caps and we get very little conquest per win in arenas and even rbgs for that matter when you consider rbg games are generally much longer than arena matches. Blizzard just seems to be ignoring their pvp community completely. When was the last time we got a blue post on anything related to some of the major issues the community would like addressed…


One of my friends actually wanted to play this game with me. Said he wanted to do pvp. I just winced knowing everything he’d have to do just to be viable. I tried helping him learn the ropes, etc.
After he picked his covenant after getting 60, we did some torghast runs for his first legendary,etc. he’s like, “damn man there’s so much to do and I still get deleted in pvp”. “Yeah. It’s rough for new players. It’s gonna take time.”
Yeah he doesn’t wanna play this anymore. He never even got his covenant gear to 197. We did the recent tauren mill battleground, and he kept getting 1 or 2 shotted. I warned him, but yeah hasn’t been on since.
Most of this thread is about how it affects current players which is bad in itself, but new players…eesh.
Really hope they do some changes for the better otherwise I may join my friend soon.


My irl friend who was my 2s partner in past expansion considered coming back until he started reading up on the current state of pvp and told me he just didn’t have any desire to try and skate up that hill.


Anutha one…

Yet another brand new player losing interest… I have said many times on this post the only ones left on this game will be the Carriers, the carried and whatever we are who keep coming here to bump this post… there are no new players left.