9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

if I continue with level by rating I stop playing


Pathetic. The silence is truly a sign the game is in its last phase where they milk the remaining customers in detriment of the health of the game.


16.1k views, approaching 700 comments 550 likes, no blue post? truly shameful.


R1 rating req is STILL actively going down.

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Bump this back to the top of forums.


The new honor gear starts at 177 and you can only upgrade it to 190 initially. (The level is bumped up by 13 to 203 for pvp)

Renown 43 is needed for 197 & 203, renown 59 for 210 & 216.

The best part (haha) is that all your existing honor gear cannot be upgraded higher than 197. So you have to replace the lot. So no point buying anything on alts - just max honor to 15k and wait for the patch.

The only consolation is your honor is not wiped. Conquest is wiped, but honor earned remains.

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I hate this so much. What an f&*(& you to all of us.


Boys I don’t understand we have made it to the famed number of the beast, and still we have not summoned them…I do appreciate though how the six hundred sixty sixth post just how insanely assinine this system is. I still have three months left of sup time, I will still play throughout but to resub now may be a sin greater then posting the famed post marked by the number of the beast.


Yeah, was on PTR checking it out.

With the PvP Honor vendor giving ilvl177 to start with, this essentially shafts everyone who farmed to ilvl 197 gear.

Has this ever been done before? Where you literally go backwards in gear progression? 20 ilvls lower…and you can’t even upgrade it any time soon.

Why not just start off at ilvl 200 for unrated pvp vendor? So this is another literal waste of players time with no respect for that time.

But to stay on topic… An even playing field in PvP ilvl would be best and although we can find other problems with the PvP gear, as shown above, the entire way gear has been implemented in Shadowlands does not follow suit with PvP ideology, where skill rather than gear ilvl determines outcome. Then we have class imbalance, but thats another topic.


just max honor to 15k and wait for the patch.

Honor and conquest are typically reset with a new season patch.


You’re probably right about a reset of honor and conquest. Just expect the worst with this dreadful company. I just noticed on the ptr that honor was unchanged and was a little hopeful of some good news in this sea of dark matter.

I remember when they used to convert conquest to honor, and then anything over the honor cap was refunded in gold. Guess those days are gone.

On a side note - All these so called ‘awful’ and ‘bad’ decisions made by blizzard are no accident. There are no accidents in this world. Everything happens for a reason. Right now screwing the players is what they want to do, as if it isn’t obvious.


Bump @blizzard please respond


It’s to force everyone to play more. I think it will push people away and make people quit.

You spent all that time grinding honor to ilvl 197, now after the patch, you cant even upgrade the ilvl197 gear, you need to buy new gear.

So what do they do? They make it so you have to buy ilvl 20 levels below what you have, and then it only caps at what? ilvl 210? So you only get 10ilvls above what you had before… wtf?

And you have to wait weeks and weeks before the renown cap is high enough for you to even do that


SL players and particularly SL pvp players. TBC is actually getting a lot of attention. Less than a day blue post responses on major issues including pvp complaints.

I think they are trying to drive SL players into buying TBC boosts.


9.1, just from looking at it, is a horrible grind fest.

Any time you have grind fests, it’s because they are not willing to spend the proper time to make things better

Think of it, if you didn’t want to do any work, you come up with something, and just think of ways to make people repeat that over and over and over, in the worst ways.


That is what mythic dungeons is all about. Stacking vertical progression on top of the same exact content. That way you can string out that content for a much longer period of time.

Horizontal content progression takes far more resources to create.

A large component of what made MMOs “fun” was the exploration factor. Seeing things for the first time. That is gone, except for right after a new content patch hits. Now we have sugar pellet gear acquisition on top of the same content ad infinitum.

In a way, pvp is similar to exploration because no two fights should ever be exactly the same. Each fight should be a different experience. But, with a gear system designed to match up with the vertical progression that pve gear has and “the meta,” pvp starts to feel more and more like old and stale pve.


God I wish you or someone like you was calling the shots


Yes! A flat +13 ilvls is a bad idea. Why? Because it overall has too many tiers. Lower tiers should get more ilvl, higher tiers should get less ilvl.

Here is my mental mock-up.

Four tiers:

  • Honor
  • Honor+
  • Conquest
  • Conquest+

In PvE…

  • Honor is M0 equivalent
  • Honor+ is M0/N (midway between)
  • Conquest is N Raid
  • Conquest+ is H/M (midway–“H+”).

In PvP…

  • Honor is N
  • Honor+ is H
  • Conquest is H+
  • Conquest+ is M+ (half a tier over Mythic)

Instead of upgrading conquest gear 4 times over the bracket, the 13 slots are upgraded exactly one time instead, distributed like the old PvP system, e.g. where you capstone with Shoulders. Starts at a petty 1200 rating at 100 rating breakpoints until the 1800 spot where it condenses to 50 rating breakpoints until 2100 (weapon should be at 1800). Same title, mounts, and possibly cosmetic for 2400.

I still don’t think this is perfect, but it’s a heck of a lot closer to parity than 5 sets of conquest gear.

Afterthought: Block conquest acquisition until the raid has been out for three weeks.

Ofc, I also think getting rid of the Great Vault for PvP is actually a critical demand.

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The whole thing is botched due to Mythic+ ilvl progression, and them trying to make PvP the same, so you can use your PvP items in PvE.

I don’t mind using PvP items in PvE, BUT, in actual PvP, the gear disparity becomes a problem.

They could very easily do many different things to balance it out.

-They could have PvP gear caps per rating bracket. Which should help control the booster feel.

-They could scale everyones gear to the exact same ilvl across the board in PvP, regardless of rating. Again, controls booster capability.

-They can keep the PvE progression aspect of the PvP gear, while adhering to either of the two above solutions, so PvPers can still PvP to get gear and PvE with their PvP gear.

-They could adhere to the solutions above and keep gear progression tied to rating advancement

-They could adhere to the solutions above and keep gear progression tied to rating advancement while also increasing accessibility to higher ilvl gear to everyone as the season goes on.

Anything that controls boosting is proof of balance and a step in the right direction. Watch the streams and one mage can 1v2 the other team, even with the guy he is boosting messing up his strats. If his gear was anywhere near the same as the other team, good luck with that, and it is possible due to the class, but less likely.


Why do they get a defensive legendary as a damage class that should be notoriously a glass cannon (hence the Blinks, slows, roots)?

It makes my head spin.