9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Understood and yeah I can see how that happens in WoW, with gear disparity being the culprit.

Good morning, I hope you all have a stress free work week.

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daily bump.


Btw are they pumping up Honor gear ilevel in 9.1? Now you can farm 15K before 60 and buy 160 instantly. It was fine 6 months ago, but now you go against 40K HP with 22K HP.


b u m p :slight_smile:

not lookin good bro. its gonna be even worse for alts in 9.1 from what ive seen so far.


sadly.,… ,.

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Ahh I see they still not listening guess ill cancel my sub next month. Bummer.


I have always supported arena templates. It’s like “they” give you a set of gear when you enter the arena to compete in. If that’s the fantasy, and the point is “competition” in the spirit of it, which is some fairness and balance to let skill shine, then templates were lore supported and the healthiest system in all. In fact, I feel templates didn’t go far enough–instead of just scaling your stats at your ilvl, it should have took your entire loadout to a fixed point. Artifact traits ended up being a big differentiator for high performance in early Legion–where grinding a PvE Power System was too important to just be able to sit down and play a PvP Battle Arena.

Outside of the Arena though, the game is not a MOBA. And it should be treated with progression and persistence. Rated Battlegrounds it may be fine to use scaling to more normalize the difference in player power. But unranked and world PvP, whatever crazy broken disparity exists, let it ride.

The only difference on that assumes three things to actually arrive at an ideal state. First, the Honor gear provides a high ilvl gain in PvP combat to rival Conquest. Then, that Conquest gear doesn’t have these multiple tiered layers of entire set power – if you want to onesie-twosie pieces at the different breakpoints, it’s fine to get +3/4 ilvl on two or three pieces at a time… The problem emerges when you have all 13 pieces getting a +3/4 ilvl bump at the same time. Lastly, it assumes that PvE balancing is ongoing throughout a patch cycle to bring up underperformers in PvE.

Attainability is a huge problem for today’s PvP. It doesn’t need to be free but as it stands right now, it’s not attainable. And that kills hope. And that kills subs.

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They are bumping it up but the upgrade system remains intact and I believe the honor gear tops out somewhere in the low 200s.

bump and stuff

Just spitballing and i apologize if someone else suggested this but what if they just buffed that ilvl scaling a bit. Slow day at work xD.

So the current suggestion is (assuming max ilvl is 233)

Pvp rewards a 200 out of pvp 214 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 207 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 207 out of pvp 220 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 214 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 213 out of pvp 227 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 220 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 220 out of pvp 233 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 226 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 226 out of pvp 240 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 233 pve piece.

What if we changed that formula to go half way to the cap ie

Pvp rewards a 200 out of pvp 227 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 207 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 207 out of pvp 230 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 214 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 213 out of pvp 233 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 220 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 220 out of pvp 237 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 226 pve piece.
Pvp Rewards a 226 out of pvp 240 in pvp for difficulty equal to a 233 pve piece.

No impact on pve but it smooths out the gear disparity in pvp where it is a much bigger deal.


So honor gear will remain to be useless waste of time for the next 6 months. Thanks.


Or IDK just make conquest gear BiS in PvP. Like in all the past Good! PvP xpacks. Unlike PvE, PvP you never run out of content.


I think it tops at ilvl 220, and is gated by renown progression, again. Maybe ilvl 210… I dont recall

Initial ilvl of pvp gear is ilvl 177 on PTR…

So now you have to go backwards in initial ilvl purchase, to progress forwards…

So literally they just hacked your time investment from what you previously had, and make you spend that time again reraising ilvl of gear that wont even be of any use to most people for well over a month.

If only they could make this seasons conquest gear next seasons honor gear.

I know, it’s a pretty unheard of idea, and might be too difficult for the devs to implement.


That would mean you wouldn’t have to spend countless hours of regrinding honor for ilvls you’ve already acquired. We can’t have that.

bump. for the love of god fix pvp gearing


There was a time that I’d play random BGs for fun… With 20k health players fighting against 40k health rets, now is not that time.


There is no way they don’t change anything. If the MMR is really bad now I can only imagine how it will be in 9.1 if this stays as is. So much for WoD sCaLiNg :crazy_face:

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