9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Well said. What say you blizzard?



blizzard please!

you see this is the biggest thread on the forums at the moment, please address it!


bumpity bump


The basic gist/agreement I’m seeing from people seems rather simple:

  • If PvP Gear Progression is going to exist, it needs to be easy and simple enough to get for newer players/PvErs to get into it without miserably grinding for too long.
  • With that said, bumping the ilvl of PvP Gear in PvP scenarios is fine (maybe even preferable to keep Mythic grinders from rolling in and stomping newbies).
  • Conquest gear that does not “Scale” based on Arena rating in order to prevent gatekeeping (other rewards based on rating is fine otherwise)

If I am understanding what people are asking for correctly, this should NOT be hard to implement in the slightest.


Thats not true you should watch some of the legion PVP dev interviews Holinka said exactly what most people wanted and answered pretty much every question with straight answers and things that could be better and fixed those things.

I mean the main problem is how long it takes to get a piece of gear the problem of gear being rating locked probably wouldnt actually be that bad if you could actually get the gear quick enough for skilled alts to be where they belong and the fix to rbgs which has already been applied I believe.

9.1 fixes a lot of problems with the lower bracket where people are 2400 in rbgs but like 1300 in 2s/3s, however everything to do with alts has still been doubled down which is why the ladder is so dead.

Please people… please lets do a little bit more to keep this thread BUMPed and also please toss the OP as many likes as you can.

This is our last shot at fixing this game’s pvp.

If we get what the OP is asking for we drasticaly cut down on boosting, there will be no complaints of gear disparity and casual pvp will be ten times better.

PLEASE PEOPLE WE NEED TO BUMP THIS THREAD MORE, i know it might get annoying but its our last hope.


Dang, I thought I was the only one who felt that. Its almost like people would rather not spend their time hopelessly getting 1 shot by somebody 20ilvls above them… my once bustling Orgrimmar is a GHOST town… my PvP friends don’t even log in anymore.


YO keep BUMPING this thread please! we r doing great work every1.

thanks Revo for making such a great post, but the rest is up to us. we have to keep this BUMPED and please like the OP on as many toons as you can.


Its not a “problem” that someone is 2400 in RBG and 1300 in arena. Some people don’t like the arena meta’s and play style.


3 conquest points per skirmish is an insult when PVE content drops tradable, fully-upgraded gear without farming. Still waiting for basic respect for PVP players :upside_down_face:


bumpity bump

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If we simply remove rating locked gear we will kill so many birds with one stone!

REMOVING the rating requirements will DRASTICALLY cut down on numerous complains of the current game.

  • Less boosting
  • Casual PvP is more accessible and fun
  • Gearing alts is less of a hassle
  • Game feels more fun and less grindy
  • Less of a gear gap for new players/casual player = more fun for them

Please blizzard! THIS ONE SIMPLE FIX will make t he game so much better


What does SL have that TBC doesn’t have?

Token sales to Blizzard for money to buy boosts.

They know the system is bad. But greed > principles.


wtb bumps pst

i mean yeah revo is right, but if anyone thinks that actiblizzard will address anything until they lose another 30% of their playerbase theyre delusional

token sales are worth more to them than subs or expansion purchases

also consider this

you paid at minimum 40 dollars for the expansion, and since then you have paid 105 or the equivalent in gold for your sub

what have you received that was worth ~150 dollars that other games couldn’t have given you?

tfw a rehashed version of a previous expansion is getting a more balanced arena system than retail has.



There are no new players left… I am heart broken to learn that one of my guild members whom of which was a very new player…left the game. They wanted to try PvP… I started biting my nails when they said that, honestly…cus I knew. And I can’t blame them…who would stay for this if they didn’t have many roots or reason to stay…

The only ones left are the carriers and the carried…and whatever we folk are who keep coming here to bump this post, in the hope that it will go blue.

New players are always such a blessing, its so fun and invigorating, showing them the ropes…I…guess…we can say goodbye to that feeling…

sending hugs to all the would be new contenders on the battlefield, it was bitter sweet not having had the chance to get to know you in a fight 🥲


-one more today!!-
It doesn’t even feel like actual conquest anymore when we fight…

I was doing random battlegrounds with my Duelist friend and they just admited…
“Sometimes, I feel bad, they can’t even fight back most of the time” and they’re 100% correct! How many of those ppl were at their breaking point, just trying to upgrade their 158 honor gear and just got tired of being destroyed and simply uninstalled… I have to wonder…

Even the big guys are admitting they gain no pleasure from this system. The fun comes from besting your enemy peers…They’re making people essentially defeat their super strong father in battle and alot of us just aren’t capable of that…due to imbalances.

I warn you, Blizzard. I WARN! There will be no one left if you continue with this.

R E M O V E. R A T I N G. G A T E. O N. G E A R.


thats rough buddy… ive had a lot of friends i made in BFA quit in shadowlands =(

like… so many i cant even count… at least 7 that i can think of off the top of my head.

all 7+ of those people stuck around for BFA but quit during shadowlands… =(

shadowlands is gonna be remembered as the worst xpac… not BFA… 9.1 is looking to make this gear gap even worse =(

imagine making an alt in 9.1 … youre gonna have to grind 100 frikken item levels to have a fair experience lol… thats gonna be a huge turnoff to new players, casuals and alts =(

shame =(

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