9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

post 520 10char


I’m going to assume this hasn’t sparked a response yet either?


Blizzard read this thread!! Bump bump


If something has enough responses or add ins from other players on Twitter I’ve seen them respond.

I was hoping merely pointing at the thread and is huge amount of replies would be enough but no dice yet.

Really Twitter is still the best way to get a dev response.

They may be preparing to respond or as sloot suggested we may get a pvp centric dev interview soon.

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If anyone would like to add your support to the twitter post I made to get a response you can do so here:


I’m about to start using racial slurs, maybe that will get a blues attention.

Bump again

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I swear to Dark Lady if one more person calls me a patchy leather bag of bones… I will rain poison upon their homes… we are the Foresaken but we have feelings too.

I am once again asking you to keep this thread bumped.


Imagine the WoW blue post dood bought a boost in the opening weeks. Or some other wow hotshot. And now theyre too embrassed or feel like a hypocrite so they can’t say anything anymore. Like boys just own up to the error of your ways and let’s move forward together.

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BUMP. please we need more people to BUMP . PLEASE


I just canceled my sub and hit the character limit explaining why, which was pvp gearing (particularly for unrated but applicable to rated as well) and adding timers to Torghast. This is the first time I have ever clicked the “unsubscribe” button with a huge smile on my face.

I did tell them that if the devs actually recognize our existence and do something to help us out, I would come back. As is, they don’t deserve my money or support.

Best of luck to you guys, though I don’t see you ever getting any feedback. Hope I’m wrong.


sad to see another player go =(

we need to bump this thread as much as we can and like the OP as much as we can, its our last stand


Ghost town city …

Finally got the itch to log in and run a few last night.
Holy smokes, alliance queue times were 8-10 mins.
When they did pop, the matches were mostly super low end with very few decent players on either side. It feels as though the player base is almost non-existent atm.

Good job Blizz :roll_eyes:

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The sad thing is whenever we did actually get a dev interview about pvp in the past they typically just sit there and bitterly hold on to their philosophy and just explain how they are right and the players don’t know what they want.


I think a lot of high end arena players as well as casual players have said that putting alts through the system isn’t working. I think that will give enough traction for BlizZard to make adjustments for alts. Everything else is up in the air IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Daily BUMP. please everybody … BUMP this thread daily. We NEED to keep this thread at the top AT ALL TIMES. THIS IS OUR LAST HOPE.


Here we are again, another day and some more reflections to be had. I noticed on the wowhead blue tracker they made some changes to TBC arena and removed rating requirements for all gear save for shoulders and weapons. On top of that they lowered the requirements for those pieces aswell. Clearly they can see there are issues with rating locked gear and how it demoralizes a player base. Unfortunately I don’t believe the WoW devs as a whole have returned to the office. Thus they are unable to share ideas around the ping pong table or wherever these people take their breaks. Common sense may be stuck in the realm of classic? Don’t worry though guys cause before the WoW game took place chromie a dragon use to play male gnome instead of a female one. So we got the important issues of retail all sorted.


BUMP, blizzard please hear our call. we are hoping you do the right thing :heart:


Well, I may as well throw my thoughts in this thread. My preferred gearing method was in WoD. I played pvp for the pvp, not an endless gearing treadmill to play fairly. If I don’t find a game fair, I will not play it.

From experience, good players don’t need a gear crutch to beat bad players. In WoD, the first expansion I got into arenas and the only expansion I pretty much only did pvp my friend convinced me to enter a tournament and I did not say no. Somehow we ended up fighting dillypoo in what I think was a disc hunter feral comp and we were stomped into the ground in about 30-45 seconds. We were fully geared, so that was simply us not knowing what was up. Now, throw in a gear disadvantage and higher damage and people can literally die in a few second which I simply don’t like. Others might, but I don’t like it at all and thus stopped doing pvp.