9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Given the clearly laid out feedback they have received on this including their own position from years ago, I’m only left to assume that they choose to ignore it because of bottom line reasons (token sales relative to subscriptions).


^this, as addicted as I am, and as much fun as I do still have playing WoW, I think we all have to speak with our wallets if we want any real change. It’s clearly THE ONLY FEEDBACK, they listen to.


They have already probably done the cost/benefit analysis on this and determined there is more revenue to be gained from tokens than lost subscriptions. The type of person who wouldn’t purchase a boost is probably the type of person who wouldn’t purchase tokens for other reasons either.

That is to say: People who regularly buy tokens buy a lot and other people either buy very few or none at all with not much in between.

I just think they are unethical. The only other explanation is just pure incompetence, but I don’t think that is the case.

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You have a point here, but I think this would ensure death of the game in the long term, but maybe in a way, that is their strategic plan. Slowly phase out WoW. Definitely a conspiracy theory but who knows lol.

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Bump cuz agree and change it pls blizz


It’s as if they are going after the “pay to win” mentality players that asian MMORPGs have preyed upon for so long.

Blizzard will say that people aren’t buying the power directly from them, so it is different. To me, it seems somewhat similar to money laundering.

According to this article, if Blizzard wants to participate in the asian market then it needs to introduce pay to win elements to its games as it is expected and part of the cultural norm.

Anyway, food for thought and just possible explanations for their behavior.


Well, WoW is more popular in China than it is in the US; at least according to a recent Asmongold video on YouTube (it was in my feed, don’t shoot me).

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This is soo rofl

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I don’t doubt it. The sad part is that if the game embraces ptw then the writing is on the wall.
Honestly, while I’m still hopeful, logic suggests WoW is cycling towards its end. :sob:


Boosting in Chinese servers is out of control generation ago. Corporate (or Studio) run guild and carry dominate (I seriously mean dominate).

It is so bad that in a premade group, they will do a random roll and change RL to the winner before killing a mob. This is to eliminate the possibility that the original RL is a carry provider he will kick everyone before the final boss and let his customers in.

Don’t let US servers head to that direction. All “WTS” stuff in group finders should be banned. Don’t let carry make a F single penny.


bumper cars.

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PvP will be nothing but the top end players, carries, and the people doing the carrying. No one else is going to participate. I bet casual participation in BGs ends up the lowest it’s ever been in the history of this game.

A game which the faction conflict (PvP?) is apparently so important and yet it’s pretty much been ignored for a long long time. The “War” in BFA was a joke in terms of actually doing anything for the in game (PvP) faction conflict.


Bumping while my sub is still active. Gear gaps and boosters have absolutely destroyed rated PvP.


There were way too many PVE content disguised as PvP.


Just a reminder that blizzard is trying to double down on this, we can’t let it go live brothers.


no it didnt.

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It´s embarassing to say this, but I would freaking settle with PVP Scaling. The system is so freaking bad that I would totally settle with that garbage in order to play my alts.


You think as a game progresses in time it should be getting better. Yet wow’s pvp gearing is currently worse the in TBC, which is almost 13 years ago. Its like trading in a smart phone for a flip phone from 2007.


Bump for blues.


damn this is it