9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

bump, bless you all


Bumping for those of us that are casuals and used to enjoy playing some BGs before bed. Now it’s just a slaughter fest with no skill needed to kill undergeared players (my highest is a 204 iLevel and I’m regularly killed in any given stun). I miss being able to get end level pvp gear through BGs. Sure it took me 2/3s of a PvP season (I think this began in MoP?). It took me awhile…but I’d eventually get there. And I never felt so out classed by someone with a few iLevels above me.


One of them is Ion 100%


Bumping because my first post got deleted for poking fun at the job reqs on battle.net app home page.

Wouldn’t be surprised if this gets removed.

iLvl power creep still going to be a problem in 9.1 for 90% of the playerbase, including the entire spectrum of skill.

Can verify someone with some power somewhere reads these, because I never even got notified my post was flagged by the community. It’s just straight up gone. You can even see one player replied to my post that no longer exists.

Gear gap is pretty outrageous, and it’s pretty sad that we aren’t at least getting a team to look into PvP issues.

Guess Ion knows what’s fun for me better than I do.


Bumping because the power creep is insane in pvp. PvE doesn’t really matter so long as you don’t stand in swirls, but in PvP everything is magnified, not only does BingoBoy do 30% more damage but he has 30% more health and 30% more healing. So you effectively need to chew through a 30% shield for 30% longer of a time, while surviving 30% more damage yourself.


Experience trying to gear a new player in regular BG’s, given the 1% per item level. Let’s say I start at 180 item level, that means I’m 45% weaker than many people who are just plowing through us new players in BG’s. I am surprised when I check the armory who I’m up against, and it’s almost always people in 225+ honor level gear. It’s rediculous.


Todays experience (just like every other day) My friend and I went up against a ton of premades for random Bg’s. It’s beyond horrible now. We Merced, and went against a bunch of horde premades. Random BG’s have become tougher than rated BG’s at this point. People rank up in rbg’s, then form groups to farm honor cap in randoms and make the experience absolutely unbearable. I can describe every single faeture of the GY’s bnyu now and the view of enemy health bars just sitting beneath the hill waiting to delete u again.


love to see the bumps :slight_smile:


bumping this, tried to bring a friend into a bg, was a really bad idea, fought againts a premade of 226 ilvl players, really great rbg ratings, bad arena ratings, even worst than mine lol, now he doesn’t to pvp again

good job devs, keep it up with your good work


Hammer time :sunglasses:

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Leaving this bump here, still a very good and relevant posting!


Datamined change today doubles down on the upgrade system. Please change this.


100% expected… None the less sad days.

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Just your daily reminder that this can’t go live. Hope everyone is having a good week.


Which change? I don’t see it.

I’m frustrated that between this thread and PTR thread we have about a thousand comments with no acknowledgement.

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“retweet” /10char

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Bumpy Bump Bumpity BUMP


I’m alright with an upgrade system as long as it isn’t tied to rating. That’s the only issue. If a player can’t slowly win the games to afford the conquest gear then they need to improve. Better players will gear and upgrade faster. And I think they deserve to feel good and slap people around. This can be accomplished with or without the upgrade system though.

What I can’t stand is rating gating upgrades because it just hard locks players down in the dirt. When they have a 50% chance of queue against 226 big d Chad’s or boosters.


we still here


Not only does it double down on the system, but it also incentivizes boosting. They are creating careers for boosters with this change. Now every week they will have returning customers paying for their weekly carry and Blizz will look the other way because the revenue for wow tokens goes up. I have a post that explains that the only way real change will ever happen is when people protest with their wallets.