9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

How can a video game company literally be this bad at making their game fun?


They achieve this by a) dedicating zero community manager resources to the pvp forums and b) not having a dedicated pvp team on the development side. PVP feels more and more like an afterthought these days, they just take PVE systems/ideas and slap 'em into pvp.


What’s odd about all this–and I disagree with you here–is it feels like they are putting effort into PvP. I truly don’t understand the logic of this new gearing system unless the developers are bad intentioned with their play time metrics. Nothing about it is fun. More importantly, nothing about it is necessary.


I really don’t consider changing a few values (iLvls) in a database to be effort. Maybe that’s just me.


That’s my argument for my salty suspicions. These changes aren’t being considered from an actual PVP perspective. They take ideas and theories that work over on the PvE side and assume it will work just fine for PVP. Or maybe, as you point out that the #1 priority is forcing playtime metrics. This seems counterintuitive because you would think designing systems conducive to playing multiple toons would be a recipe for positive player metrics.


Oh absolutely, I’d be playing more if playing alts wasn’t so miserable.


Let’s not pretend the PvP class changes are insubstantial.

I was just talking about the gear. I appreciate the new PvP talents. I’m less impressed with legendary effects that were glyphs in past expansions or effects that we had that were pruned or removed when artifact weapons went away, etc.


Bump the bump


They are substantial, but these changes should have been made during the beta. Not half way thru s1.

And some of these changes are absurd like adding mortal strike affect to rogue

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Bump. We have dealt with issue before, addressed it, and here we are again. This post from 5.2 (which lead to two of the most popular PvP patches ever) addresses EXACTLY the issue that we are having now. What happened to this philosophy?


Like can we talk about these two paragraphs and how they sound like they could apply to PvP now LITERALLY EXACTLY

Rating Requirements
The current rating requirements on PvP gear create an artificially sharp division between players over 2200 rating and those below that rating threshold, which is unduly difficult to cross. We’d prefer that teams progress up the ladder on a curve against gradually more difficult opponents, instead of running into a wall at a certain rating.

Gear Advantage
Over time, the gap in power between Honor and Conquest PvP items has widened. This happened, in part, because it’s necessary for us to preserve the balance in power between PvP and PvE gear so that one doesn’t become the most obvious path to victory for the other. Right now, there are four tiers of PvE items, but only two tiers of PvP items. To keep Honor items from being the best choice for entry into PvE, they needed to have a lower item level than equivalent Raid Finder items. At the same time, Conquest gear still needs to be better for PvP than Heroic raid items, which puts it way over on the opposite end of the power scale from its Honor counterpart. While there are items that bridge the gap between Raid Finder and Heroic Raid loot, there really haven’t been any PvP items to bridge the gap between Honor and Conquest gear. We plan to solve that problem by introducing new tiers of PvP items, changing which currencies it takes to buy items and when, and by making PvP weapons more readily available in general.


Wow, great catch here. Blizzard needs to stop designing themselves into these annoying situations. Nothing was wrong with static sets. Bring them back


we didn’t appreciate ghostcrawler enough when we had him


9.1 brings in buffs to frost mage, he’s still with us, in spirit


Even though they had the solution to the issues we’ve having today in MoP, I dont’ see them reversing course at all. Most of 9.1 feels like them doubling down on the bad.

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Look this way, MoP and Wod pvp was designed by Ion’s predecessor right? Putting us back to WoD means they acknowledge they were wrong and their predecessor team was right. That’s a big political/ego issue here.

It’s not JUST shadowland pvp that sucks, it is fact that pvp heading to sh*t all the way down after WoD only today it has become “too crap to tolerate”.


current system is fine.

they just need to increase the amount of conquest earned as the season progresses for people to catch up with.

Bumping!! lets get this backed by the blue!


throwing in a bump :+1:

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