9.1 PTR Elune Feedback SPOILERS

That was the worst part about everything night elves stands for. They are not crying overemotional safe space cultists. they are Warriors of the night assemble etc. Basically normal elves but less anime. ( a trope that Blood elves have taken too far). Night elves are better as badass guerilla warriors that use their surroundings to kill invaders.

Blizzard handles motivation like the anal canal handles peeing.

It doesnt.

Technically, moonlight is just reflected sunlight anyway, but I don’t think Blizzard’s trying to tell a story where Elune gets all of her power as a hand-me-down from An’she. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don´t think so either, i think more as a duality. If elune and belore (An’She, whatever), are two real deitys and if both of them work as a duality, then…belore cleared the tear and elune make Ysera to stars and put her into the shadowlands.

but thats only a little idea…nothing seriously.

They’ve had a zillion chances to show stuff like that and haven’t yet, and it’d probably be tonally weird as hell to involve An’she in night elf content. I’m still in the “An’she’s not real” camp until the game finally proves otherwise, if it ever does.

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True, and i don´t think an’She exist either :wink:

Hmm… that’s sort of funeral of their close friend. One of the Dragon Aspect, keeper of Emerald Dream, and the one who was corrupted against her will, so that Night Elves had to kill at the end.
And they are watching their goddess appeared in broad daylight and purified and took the spirit of her child.
I think some badass warriors can be a little bit emotional at that point.

And well I don’t want to say this but if you did the entire questline, you would know that the cinematic is not even close to being emotional… especially Tyrande. :stuck_out_tongue:


I less than three this.

I don’t want Elune taken from Night Elves. I don’t mind that she has a couple of favorite races in the universe (it would be a bit boring I think for a deity to focus only on one planet in a vast universe full of life) but since our focus is Azeroth they can be footnotes.

I don’t want Elune to become a loot pinata and I hope Blizzard doesn’t go that way. We beat up Sire and locked him in a sword, we beat up Sargeras so he could be jailed, we beat up Algalon just so he wouldn’t annihilate Azeroth.

We don’t really seem able to “kill” beings of a certain power level which I hope never changes. I just hope they decide to start stuffing in a few Horde race deities somewhere.


What power level is that? Because so far we have defeated 2 Titans, 2 demon lords, multiple Wild Gods, 1 Eternal on the way defeat another, and an Old God. :upside_down_face:


How many of those did we actually kill though? I was under the impression that Old Gods were below Titans/Eternal Ones/etc

As far as I knew we defeated Aggramar, but it was just his corrupted avatar after Sargeras had defeated him. Argus was a world soul - not sure if he counts as a full fledged Titan or not.

Algalon is a constellar for the Titans. The only Eternal we defeated we didn’t kill we stuffed him in his sword (with the help of friends) and then he promptly escaped later.

I concur that our murder hobo squad is punching wildly above our weight class - and too far for my own liking - but I just meant I’m not sure we are able to actually “kill” these beings

Then again death is a pretty nebulous concept at this point in WoW so that distinction may not even matter. It’s merely a setback after all.

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Titans are indeed above old gods, and remember Argus was a heavily tortured and drained Titan world soul. So it’s power was greatly diminished.

Considering they outright willed much of their realms into existence, I get the impression that the Eternal Ones are by definition less powerful in a fight than they would be if their power wasn’t always spread out preserving the existence of everything around them, and they can’t just arbitrarily take all that power back on a whim and let their domains cease existing for the sake of beating down twenty-five Maw Walkers.

In the same vein, every time we’ve beaten a “titan” or Old God, it was always under extenuating circumstances such as said titan being a ruined leftover of a world-soul that had been used to fuel demonic regeneration for tens of thousands of years, a broken and corrupted Aggramar whose Keeper-level size indicated he wasn’t restored to his full scope and power, and Old Gods who were still mere echoes of their formerly mountain-sized, continent-sprawling might.

Otherwise a full-powered, planet-sized Aggramar or Argus would have just been able to obliterate our surroundings and us with them with a single fist, and the Old Gods would have been able to just vomit out a billion fresh aqir and n’raqi at us like they did against the Elemental Lords and the titan-forged.


Nzoth is the only full sized old god we technically fought

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And even with him, I’d hesitate to assume that N’zoth as he existed in his hypothetical dream of a renewed Black Empire was comparable in power to if he’d successfully supplanted our reality with that dream and regained access to his tendrils still woven throughout the planet’s crust, drawing deeply upon Azeroth’s energies.

Oh no his tendrils where completely dislodged, he was fully freed from his prison and for some reason went to the pocket dimension of nyalotha instead of remaining embedded in Azeroths crust. So we fight him at his full power, just without the consequences of killing him on Azeroth.

We also targeted a part of him safely away from his N’raqi and Aqir spawning body part because N’Zoth wanted to corrupt us to his side!

He fought us with the his Mind’s full power after unleashing the full might of his tentacles(he continuously slammed them down upon us during the Carapace of N’Zoth fight while unleashing Fleshbeasts) and Void Magic but the full might of his armies was not brought to bear against us since he wanted us alive!