9.1 PTR Elune Feedback SPOILERS

Right. Elune can be Primary: Life; Secondary: Arcane. Putting it together is Astral.

As for her role as a psychopomp and that stuff with Xe’ra? Yeah. Bit of a stretch, but Blizzard’s never been too rigid in their lines between magic types, so I don’t see why we should start here.

Right, I’ve seen that quote many-a-time, but… “true goddess” means nothing. It has no definition to it other than, “not similar to other powerful entities at the time of writing”, for example the Wild Gods or the Old Gods. I’m just not putting a lot of weight into the word “goddess” or the phrase “true goddess”. It’s too vaguely defined to have a meaning worth discussing.

Myself? TL;DR: Yes, I’d be fine with that, but I know other night elf fans that disagree.

Again “real god-hood” is, and always has been, nebulous at best. It doesn’t have any concrete meaning, so… It’s not really worth discussing at length.

“Reduced in power” is, again, weird. I don’t want her to be weak or weakened, but I don’t think she needs to be a universe-spanning, creation deity. If she was kept at her original description of “Azeroth’s moon goddess”, with the power that entails, then I’d be fine. She can guide and protect souls, she can shoot stars at bad guys, she can make constellations, she can make you into a stronk emo if you throw an orc head in one of her moonwells while listening to Evanescence. Great stuff, feels like it “fits”, and that’s good enough. Would I be pissed if we just strolled up and raid bossed her one day? Or within one patch of meeting her she gets her butt handed to her by the baddy of the week (or, worst yet, Anduin going through his own stronk emo phase)? Crabsolutely. So, she doesn’t have to be an unbeatable fix-all, but I also don’t want her being the cosmic equivalent of the Worf Effect or secretly evil. And there’s power-scaling and narrative middle ground there, which is where she has kinda rested for most of her existence in the Warcraft story. If that’s the “”“power equivalent”"" of the Winter Queen, Denathrius, the Titans? Fine with me.

I don’t care about Elune in-and-of herself, right? Like, I don’t play an Elune, I play a night elf. My relation to her is through the night elves. From a story-standpoint, she is an extension of the night elves. She is one part of their overall design and appeal. She’s a massive part, a part so big that I can’t imagine the night elves sans Elune, but still… Just a part. So, to me personally, my emotional connection to Elune is her role for the night elves, which has, thus far, been “mother moon”, and a mother should care about her children, and care deeply. Otherwise, the entire foundation of kaldorei society would be built on what amounts to be in-universe baseless speculation. You’d uproot their culture and undermine some of their most core principles.

One of the worst things Shadowlands has done is answer questions no one asked or wanted to know the answer to. Before Shadowlands, had anyone ever asked, “Gee, are the kaldorei important to Elune?” No, because we knew the answer: a resounding yes. Of course they are. Elune and the night elves have gone hand-in-hand for almost twenty years. Why change that? Who wanted that changed? Who wanted that challenged? No one, least of all night elf fans. Everyone else gains basically nothing from it, and night elves actively lose because of it.

So yes, I’d prevent Elune from taking additional power ups if it guaranteed that the Kaldorei remained important to her.


The quote was said in relation to the Titans and the Naaru, so she was, originally, above the both.


Can you get me the quote? I’ve seen the secondary sources, and a lot of primary’s calling her a “true goddess”, but not one where it compares her to the Titans and Naaru.

Oof, that would be hard as all Hell, it’s one of the things Metzen said long ago before people cared to transcribe or upload things.

Fair enough.

Im just here to say I completely agree with Falothorin and am willing to accept the proposed trade- off. Power has never meant anything in wow, so making Elune uber powerful is pointless when night elves are gonna burn anyway and some of their souls forever destroyed.
But night elf culture has always revolved around Elune, and I would like that to remain intact, but at the same time, I don’t mind her people seeking to find out more about her.


Putting her as a Pantheon Member risks her becoming a Loot Piñata in the name of another one of Danuser’s “hot and spicy plot twists”

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Well if that risk were ever to have merit, then night elf players can press the unsubscribe button.


They burned down your tree, have one of your racial leaders MIA, another one of your racial leaders soon being taught “vengeance is bad” and getting her super power heavily reduced, and you think it’s a good idea to put Elune on a cosmic tier we’ve killed repeatedly with the belief blizzard won’t do her wrong?

Are you truly that big of a gambler?

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I don’t think it’s a “good idea”. I think it’s the better trade over the alternative. Falothorin already explained quite convincingly.

I’d personally rather my gods stay gods and far away from any cosmic tier we’ve killed repeatedly but that’s me

Do you have such gods? Is that An’She. Loa are killed by their followers and outsiders; orcs believe in ancestors; Elves, Forsaken and Goblins believe in power rather than in its personification. Yes? Only An’She remains. A God who does not exist or whose existence has not been proven.

Whose existence depends on Elune not being a Possible Loot Piñata.

Let’s say Elune is killed and disassembled into artifacts. How does this interfere with the existence of An’She? Besides the fact that he can be killed too.
Do you want to believe in a dead god that you will resurrect? This is a proposal.

An’She was silent because he was dead. Tauren and other sun worshipers resurrect him and save something important. “Horde Oriented” expansion.

Shernish that is a rhetorical question because you know the answer is no. You’ve stalked my threads for months and are aware of my desires and expectations.

Um … No? I remember that you need An’She. For what, how and what he will do - I don’t remember. We need to reread that topic. Yes.

Either way when they do introduce Elune into the story no doubt she will be the next Titan++++ level to try raise the expansion to what ever power level they feel we need to be at the time. Regardless of how powerful the Winter queen is.

Frankly I’ve found the characters in the last two expacs have gone into decline after legion and we won’t ever reach that level of awesome power again.

This post is not actually relevant to the topic but… just wanted to post the video here.
I’m doing Legion questlines again these days and I did Val’shara today.

Now THIS is the Night Elf and Elune story and relationship I loved so far.
For me, it is the most fantastic (as in ‘fantasy’) part of wow lore,
How could Blizz try to spoil this :frowning:

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Have you noticed that the purge of the corruption of the tear was possible an’she and not elune?

It happened in the sunlight

Hmm the quest said “The Tear of Elune floats effortlessly, glistening in an ethereal pillar of moonlight.”
So I guess it’s moonlight. Maybe remnants of her power…?
I’m more curious about whether it’s Disorder or Void that Elune removed from Ysera and Tear of Elune. Hmm.