9.1 PTR Elune Feedback SPOILERS

So basically its a pov thing. Got it, anyway how is this relevant to any lore and story discussion?

If you care to scroll up or follow the quotes:

  1. I brought up how Cult of Forgotten Shadow was retcon’d to be Not The Forsaken Religion, and Natalie Seline is now human; this was in response to an earlier conversation about how Factions aren’t allowed their strengths in Nu Blizzard
  2. Faranoth brought up making her undead
  3. I brought up how she’s Black now, and I would not like to undo this change because no Forsaken options include “Black Phenotype” stuff like Human customizations. They’d have to add Human customization to the Forsaken, or at least give her undead eyes
  4. Faranoth didn’t know they had done this change, and think yes they’d have to make her “more undead”
  5. You barged in to be argumentative against me for the umpteenth time without reading the conversation you were forcibly engaging in
  6. Here we are

meant more in regards to the elune stuff.

Well if you scroll up just a bit beyond the aforementioned scrolling, you would see that another topic was that the Alliance has more ties to more Cosmic Forces than the Horde:

The Void bit is how we got to Cult of Forgotten Shadows, which is how we got to Natalie Seline.

Kevin Bacon!

/I win?

It seems like Elune is actually Winter Queen’s ‘younger’ sister even.
(*From Korean translation of ‘sister’s pet’ in Ysera rebirth cinematic.)
Chances of Elune being at different tier are now rather low I think.

They ‘definitively’ ruined the world I loved.

It’s possible ‘true gods’ are simply those without creators. This would be the Void Lords and the presumed Light Lords. The rest of WoW’s deities, and the forces along with them, came to be after the Light/Void. In fact, I think the first ones are literally just that; the first beings to arise when the dust settled. The firstborn.

It does feel like they are putting her on the same level as an eternal one rather than a first one… which is kinda horrible cause honestly they are all eternally useless. It be pretty damn disappointing if they put her on the same level as a titan.

Nah Danuser already confirmed that the First Ones set up Light/Void.

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Get Danasuer away from the narrative wheel!

You talk as if the orc fantasy is well and intact, when it’s actually been crumbling since WoD with BfA finally dealing the final blows, to them and rest of the Horde.

P.S. I don’t know if you’re one of those Russians who don’t speak a lick of English, or if you proof-read your posts, but it makes me happy how far tech has come with nearly completely eliminating the language barrier.


This, WoD absolutely destroyed orc fantasy with a people who where tricked by demons into becoming killing machines, instead they didn’t need much convincing to do it to begin with.

Geeze I’m sounding like a Nelf poster lol, but it is true.


As I’ve said in another thread, it added context as to why they’re so violent.

Ogres want to enslave or kill them.
Primals want to zombify them.
Arrakoa want to burn them.
Everything else wants to eat or kill them.

They’re violent out of necessity.

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They where violent in terms of survival, not genocidal though.

Nah, originally the “orcish bloodlust” was due to demonic corruption. WoD retcon’d it so the bloodlust is actually just an inherent orcish genetic trait, inescapable.


Exactly, plus Kil’jaedan originally never chose them for their violent nature that WoD portrayed and only picked them because the Draenei would not suspect the legion and run away like they always did. So he intended to turn them into perfect killing machines.


They never organized a large enough army to wipe out their enemies.

Even without the bloodlust, they would still be fighting against the Breakers, Primals, and Arrakoa.

If the orcs waged war against everyone but the humans and draenei, would it still be a problem?

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What do you mean by this? That the legion never organized a large enough army? Or the orcs? Cause the orcs after being filled with demonic blood definitely formed a large enough army, because they almost killed every Draenei only the ones with Velen escaped due to the noble sacrifice of a few to sell that they where all dead.

Or do you mean the legion never organized a large enough army every time they found the Draenei? Cause they definitely had the numbers the Draenei where just quick enough to escape before the legion could do anything.

Yes but the narrative has shifted from “survivor indigenous race with warrior culture due to survival, later corrupted by demons to be extra violent” to “alien construct race with warrior culture due to survival and also inherent tendencies of violence”


I hadn’t considered that point. However, I’m bargaining for the future narrative, so the current integrity of the fantasy doesn’t matter. We will be eternal vagabonds in the streets of Stormgrad, and the orcs will be eternal gladiators, slaying themselves to repent.

Yes, I don’t speak English at all. Automatic translators.

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