9.1 PTR Elune Feedback SPOILERS

This was really dumb. And they didn’t change it despite the several complaints about it at the time. Then again, the Cult was mainly in RPG material and I don’t remember it making its way into the game until Legion.

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See my response to Zarrín back on post 286.

Weird? I can’t click on the link. I’ll just scroll up.

My bad. I fixed the link.

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The main offensive force of the Horde is the legions, clad in fur pants and armed with an ax.
What the hell are technologies? The Legion also had armor and other protective gear. No, gunpowder is cool, all that … But why, if your technologies were ready to rebuff a more serious enemy?
Why develop tactics? The defense will always be the same. What’s new you can think of? However, a couple of fortresses would not hurt. Maybe.

Did the night elves have a renowned fleet? Archers, druids, lunopard riders. Hippogriffs. But for the fleet to be known … no?

So are we going to make a deal for the extinction of the orcs?

Yup it was always like “Forsaken have priests, we don’t know why, but they do!”

Yup but:

  • Natalie Seline is a Black Woman now
  • Forsaken customizations are lack luster
  • We are being forced to accept Calia, who uses Human Customization options


  • Give Forsaken some Human customization options, Black Woman™ options included
  • Make Natalie Seline undead but keep her model, just give her Undead Eyes, so she’s “extra fresh” due to magic void preservation

Boom: Forsaken get a cool lore character that can be used in a “secondary leadership” capacity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows is affirmed Horde-leaning, and we get cool extra-fresh zombie options

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Do you translate what you type from another language or do you just enjoy poetry?
Not trying to sound offensive, English isn’t my first language either

Automatic translator.

And what does poetry have to do with it?

Try DeepL (if you’re European or Russian) in case you’re using Google translate

Edit: I dunno, it sounds a bit off to me, like you’re trying to recite poetry. That usually happens with languages that don’t use the same sentence structure as English.

Or just make her a Forsaken with a unique model. She can rise like Calia with shadow instead of Light.

Ofcourse there would be the problem of having to kill her first, but im certain I can think of a few Light crazed groups who would want her dead.

Eh. At the moment she is THE ONLY lore relevant character that uses the Black Phenotype Options™

Undoing that would be bad, and a mistake.

Also nah just straight up retcon “I died, the Void preserved my flesh but I still died, so I’m undead”


Isn’t Taelia also black? Either way, you can technically have “black” undead if you have black humans.

I wouldn’t mind calling her undead though, but she need more undead features.

She’s either Brown Non-Black or Black depending on who you ask (a struggle I’m all too familiar with, whether I’m “Obviously” Mixed Black, South Asian, North African, or Polynesian is a russian roulette)

As it stands, Natalie Seline and Taelia had almost identical models, but changed Natalie’s to be “obviously” Black.

I imagine because Bolvar is canonically Not Black Looking, and your average WoW player is unfamiliar with phenotype variety in Mixed families and would throw fits. Some of us are aware a Black parent and a White parent can have a White-Looking child, a dark skinned child, or a light skinned child, but not all.

Blizzard seems unwilling to change what “big character” look like in terms of IRL race.

  1. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/File:Taelia_8.1.jpg

  2. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/File:Natalie_Seline.jpg

  3. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/File:NatalieShadowlands.jpg

She is a tanned white person. literally nothing else but who cares lol.

Why am i not surprised that you seem to think this when the opposite is true.

:roll_eyes: might be time to check your sight mate.

Ah, cool. I didn’t realise they updated Natalie’s model. She is still white in Hearthstone though, which is weird.


Faranoth thought she was Black, and I thought she was more Brown Latin American or Desi. Look at that, the subjectivity of racial coding in racially ambiguous person.

What major central lore character was changed to be Black?

Natalie Seline is secondary; she serves no centrality in the narrative nor is a racial leader. Hell, she didn’t do anything in the Priest Hall after her questline.

I mean ergo my point:

This is actually a big issue for Overwatch too, all the Black characters are guys. There’s no Black Women.

WoW has only one (1) secondary character.

Natalie seline is as big a character as valeera Garona or any other, Hell I would say she is on the level of most of the Class halls followers, and they are all pretty major character.

That aside… Her concept art shows her as white. as does her ingame model.

What she looks like in hearthstone is irrelevant.

And no WoW definetly doesnt have “one” secondary character.

Unless you are referring to the “o” of “WoW”

Anyway the white or black department is useless as it serves no purpose other than tho bait into a flame war.

No, her in-game model was changed to what I linked above. She’s blackity black now.

That’s a reach. Garona was at least interacting with Horde players during BFA. Valeera too.

Natalie Seline has been MIA since patch 7.1

oh sorry my bad I meant about taelia. my bad. in regards to the first quote. But yes Natalie is black.

As for the other stuff… I could say she is on the level of Uther, Draka or huln highmountain in terms of secondary character. she is of lore importance, like Valeera and Garona, her being in the story or not is irrelevant if she is of import to the story. Sure blizzard can make Jaina black, but that isnt really a good idea.

In which case my statement stands, your “tanned white person” was my “Brown Latina” was Faranoth’s “Black Girl”

Racial coding subjectivity for racially ambiguous persons who exist in the middle space between imagined racial cores in action