9.1 Opens a Revamped Desmotaeron, with Heyla in charge

Sounds like something he wouldn’t elaborate on.

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YOU MONSTER, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT NAME?!?! -cries in grossed-out Trekkie- :face_vomiting:

I love Voyager, but I also acknowledge that it is hot steaming garbage at times and that my taste is therefore trash. That said, that same love of Voyager was the reason I immediately recognized who was voicing Thenios in the Afterlives: Bastion short, so it’s not completely useless.

I’m willing to accept that notion, I’ve just have had a hard time trying to understand the logic given the other examples. I would completely expect Gul’dan to be in the Maw, for example, because I view him as being one of, if not the most, evil characters in Warcraft. I must say that I appreciate your insight in regards to the similarities to Catholic teachings, thank you for sharing it. I am not Catholic nor am I especially well-educated in Catholic theology, and the bulk of my experience with Catholic teaching has been through the lens of performing classical music, which has limited application here. I was raised in a Protestant church that didn’t include the concept of Purgatory as part of the doctrine, so I am not familiar with it from that part of my life.

The Venthyr aren’t infallible, so there’s always the possibility that they could do a poor job of handling a particular soul, but there’s also the possibility that a soul could choose not to atone even if they are capable of doing so. The Arbiter also isn’t a prophet, she can’t see whether or not a soul would fail to be redeemed, but she might be able to determine if that redemption is even possible by looking at their history and the substance of their character.

Agreed. I realize Danuser’s commented on it, but it just makes the whole keep-the-Jailer-in-the-Maw system seem like it was designed to fail, which in turn makes the other Eternal Ones look foolish and shortsighted. Unless this whole thing was Denathrius’ idea from the start in order to undermine the others, but that would open a whole different set of issues.


Sidenote, but did we ever learn what actually killed Lilian Voss? She was clearly an elite fighter in the Crusade and has been upper tier for power in terms of Forsaken characters since she was introduced, but as far as I know we’re never told what took her down to start with.

The Forsaken in the starting zone don’t seem to treat her with any extra care, so they don’t seem to consider her special. But presumably it would have taken a lot to kill her and then chuck her into a coffin in the first place.

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I don’t believe so, but there are hints that could be interpreted to mean she was betrayed and killed by someone she trusted within the Scarlet Crusade. Scarlet Lieutenant Gebler has a line when she’s his captive, “Unfortunately, you were too dangerous in life, and you’re far too dangerous in undeath.” I saw a post recently elsewhere on these forums (apologies, I don’t remember the poster) that proposed that she might have been poisoned or otherwise killed in her sleep, because she doesn’t remember dying and doesn’t even realize she’s dead, let alone undead, when the player first encounters her.

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Yeah Lilian’s story has enough ambiguity to be truly extremely dark and unsettling if you let your imagination run with what we know:

  • is unaware she died, let alone is undead; either PTSD and/or was in her sleep
  • one man considered her too dangerous in life
  • her father trained her to be a zealot assassin, def abusive
  • she makes disturbing “Daddy’s Little Girl” sarcasm when confronting her father
  • etc

A number of people reject the notion of eternal damnation, even in a fictional setting. Doesn’t help when blizzard is inconsistent on morality, with Garrosh being the best example.


To add onto that, I think the game wants the player to question these sorts of things. As unsettling as the idea of eternal torture is, it’s a little bit easier to swallow if the fiction doesn’t question the morality of it. Shadowlands not only does that, but clearly shows you examples of people who don’t deserve to go there, yet end up anyway because the deciding factor was breakable.


I think it also comes down to intent. Isay this because the Accuser accidently killed her daughter, but was given a chance of redemption in Revendreth (and obviously succeeded). Meanwhile Daddy V fully intended to have his daughter killed because she was now “impure” (i.e. Undead). So basically first degree murder sends you straight to the maw while second degree or something like manslaughter gets you an all paid trip to Revendreth.

The World Reaper’s crimes were apparently just as impersonal as the Accuser’s. Her experiments were for curiosity and while she is mentioned as having only one unintended virtue there is no mention of her killing or torturing anyone out of spite.


I’ve written before about how I wanted a reunion between the Voss family in SL. Lilian’s past is vague but fascinating.

I’m really hoping Blizz remembers the Deathknell quests. Because in them Voss is the only one there unaware that she died. Whereas the other ones are having a panic attack because per their perception an Orc just slid an axe into their chest, and now they’re here.

So I suspect she was murdered. Almost certainly by someone she trusted, and in a way where she couldn’t put up a resistance. My money would be on poison.

We know how the Scarlets deal with people who start asking questions. So I suspect she grew too powerful to control and then started having some heretical thoughts. So Voss Sr had her offed and they lost the body because the Cataclysm struck.

It could also be interesting to touch on as Voss has only known freedom in undeath. She was a tool of the Scarlet Crusade in her breathing years. I think that’s fertile ground to grow a really interesting story. If Blizz wants to put the effort in.


This, please, a thousand times. I hadn’t quite thought of it that way, but you’re absolutely right. That’s a really good potential story angle to explore with her.