9.1 Issue - Open Map Causes game to stutter when walking

huh that’s weird, the characters that did not do any 9.1 content doesn’t get the FPS stuttering…? well this bug just got next level weird

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I’m gettin stuttering to pls fix this

Yeah this improved the generally poor FPS I was getting (I also have had max fps unchecked for a while as that caused issues a few patches ago) but it definitely hasn’t fixed the map/quest objective/zone in stutter. Those seem unrelated to whatever the target FPS thing was doing to performance.

Looks like there’s some extended maintenance tomorrow morning, hopefully that means they’ve found a fix and will be implementing it!

Yup. Its definitely related to the 9.1 campaign in some shape or form. So wonky.

What I’m failing to understand is that this issue was fixed so why not just roll back to that patch version? As I stated previously whatever bug was introduced in working the patch surely can’t be worse than this issue which is having severe performance issues for everyone.


cant even play sooo stutterery and fps loss

When I open the map my game drops from locked 60fps to below 60, and lags graphically and stutters.
The same thing happens anytime quest text popup appears on the screen.
For instance when you kill some mob that is for a quest and it says killed 1/10, it lags when saying killed 1/10 or whatever quest texts pops up on screen, it lags hard
ESPECIALLY if it happens back to back several times in a row, like when AOEing mobs to death and each kill counts towards a quest, then each kill will lag with kill quest text on screen.
It has made playing this patch a HORRIBLE experience.
Blizzard, plz fix asap, this is BAD.

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I’m still having huge issues. Using Afterburner + onscreen frametime graph, I can see huge periodic spikes. These are coming in with a frequency of one every 0.5 seconds.

I also see other periodic huge stutters. Example: at the end of a Mythic+ dungeon, the entire screen froze for a full 1-2 seconds right after the last boss was killed.

I’ve disabled all addons and can still see this behavior. I’m using an AMD 5900x + Nvidia 3080 with all graphical settings set to good or high (environment set to 10 tho).

Very frustrating and ruins the experience. Hope it gets fixed soon.


I would hope it’s time for another blue post with an update.

Will the fix that already went in but reintroduced be added tonight?

Content is just not enjoyable. I’m running an i9, 3080 tested with no addons, and so stupid the amount of stutter trying to run around korthia with map open to find rares and treasure.

It’s not hard to keep us updated!


just chiming in that i have same stuff happening… i9, 5700 xt amd video…
used to have everything on highest possible with easy 120+ fps. i tried turning down the dials (at 6ish now) - but the dials… they do nothing. :slight_smile:


Still the same for me, I’m hoping there will be a patch with this maintenance but my launcher hasn’t downloaded anything yet.

The macro hotfix helped a lot but there are still slow downs in Torghast too, it was so bad I died a few times!

Still haven’t been fixed yet. Hopefully, when server comes back up it will be.

I have a feeling this will end up like the FMOD issue in Diablo3.

We got blue posts in this thread stating that its not an issue and that we all must have issues with our system

Simple fact, last Monday no issue, Tuesday ( patch day ) issue.

I don’t expect a fix anytime soon for this issue.

Except the last blue post admitted they are working on this and they aren’t blaming our systems.

Hopefully it gets fixed today.


I had the same problem as well. Not sure if it will help you guys. But if you have “old” in front of folders for addons, I would just do a clean install. I think something happened when they implemented with 9.1 and you hit “load all old addons’” anyways. It messes up your internal cache of the system. So I had to follow the blizzards issue on fixing FPS. But this is what I did.

Uninstalled the WoW game through blizzard.

Deleted old addon folders

Did a clean install WoW

reinstalled curse forge

reinstalled all addons

Then the FPS drop and stuttering that occurred with walking and opening map had stopped.

Let me know if this helps you guys. I had FPS stuttering in oribos and all zones when walking opening map. FPS from 20 to 60, 18 to 40 etc. didn’t know what was going on.

If still having problems, click on the “Advanced Troubleshooting” with the blizzard link above.

Still not fixed in 9.1


still having stutter even after todays 8 hour maintenance


Thing is, this is a fresh install as of a few months back and I haven’t used AddOns since early BFA, which were all deleted when I re-downloaded WoW a few months back. This isn’t related to AddOn’s solely.

It sounds like you were having something else conflict with it. It’s still happening on the 9.1 characters only. I tested it both alts in Shadowlands and a character not in Shadowlands (level 37). Zero map issues.

The moment I get on the guy with the new campaign/story? Map stutter, quest stutter, world quest stutter. It’s SOMETHING happening with the way their questing update/data/something is interacting with the people on the story.

Thing is, they know the issue. They hotfixed it last week. We had 2 days of no stutter. It was great, back to like it was prior to 9.1. Then they undid the hotfix. They admitted they had to undo it.

And here we are. Even todays maint didn’t fix it. Not enjoying this tbh.


I’m not surprised the maint didn’t address this. They went off the grid all weekend and monday, after averaging one or more updates per day. Probably because it was a long weekend in the US.

After it was fixed, and then came back, I thought maybe someone forgot to bake the changes into the following updates and its removal was an accident. But they’ve said it was likely on purpose…
I can understand that it may have been a bandaid treating a symptom instead of the cause. But I don’t understand why they would rip off the bandaid that was working and let it bleed again while trying to fix the cause.

I’m… just really frustrated with the whole thing.


Yup still getting it … fun times