9.1 is Worth the Wait

Who is who?

Oh great one Bellular save us from this hell !! I pray to you almighty one to striketh Bobby Kotick back to the hell from whence he came …

Devil’s advocate, troll? :smile: I suppose in Sylvannas’s case she could go down the path of redemption. For realism purposes it’s a slow and painful process and ultimately entails her to go the budhist path of peace over hundreds of years or perhaps even more. Not oh hahaha, i’m good now, LUV MEH!?!?! . :rofl: Blizzard wrote themselves in a corner. I think the best that could happen is she sees the error of her ways and sacrifices herself. But then, she’s gone for good and I don’t think they want to do that.

Are we going to have any new race, class or better customizations announced during 9.1 or after 9.1?
Not? So, anything that Blizzard does in its late 9.1 will be too little and too late.

And I’m not looking forward to taking part in a raid that will have as a highlight, the redemption of Sylvanas after the destruction of Teldrassil and Gilneas, getting away with everything he did to the alliance.
A raid where she will be sorry for what she did, after we beat her and save her.

I would need to have very low quality standards in order to feel expectation for something like this.

This story is very weak, I expect another disappointment.
Another system, which is more interested in satisfying the metrics of time logged in game than in delivering something fun to the players.
An improved and more decorated hamster wheel, worthy of Shadowlands.

I expect Sylvanas.

So, 9.1 won’t be worth the wait.

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I do not care about the raid or a raid fight. I just want blizzard to spend more than 5 minutes fixing m+. Balance is broken beyond recognition and rather than fix it with 9.0.5 they actually buffed one of the top 2 overpowered specs. I have no faith 9.1 will be worth it unless they dedicate and promise weekly interval changes that will constantly be shifting the meta

In all honesty, I do expect a good patch/gaming experience in 9.1. Outside of the storyline at least. :laughing:

Nzoth says hi

Except every time a lore char dies it’s kill stole.

Everything related to Sylvanas since Legion has been a disappointment. Perhaps OP would be helping the devs by trying to lower expectations. The lower the bar, the more people might be happier with mediocre story content.

They aren’t letting us kill Sylvanas. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Oh so it’s gonna be like Mistcaller?

There is no way Sylvanas will actually die, she has way too big a fan base.

I hope you’re right.

She makes a fortune in bodypillow cases alone.
No way they kill her.

They made a big push at the end of BFA to make sure they set the groundwork for Alliance dark rangers… Were gonna get the redemption arc nobody wanted and she’s going to be new-illidan… but with lady parts and half the calories.

We may as well make a “/say MY QUEEN!!!” macro now and take an alt through the sylvanas loyalist campaign so you can see the “correct” version of BFA.

I would not be surprised if Anduin saves her and this splits the alliance. He understands her anger now that he himself has been forced to do stuff against his will etc etc.

The Allies are just well over due some good story /conflict and content imo. Could be wrong im just guessing.

Anduin killed an angel and should receive the same fate as Ursoc.

BFA is worth the wait.
8.1 is worth the wait.
8.2 is worth the wait.
8.3 is worth the wait.

You see where I am going? I can go through any number of expansions and patches and say the same thing, and it’s getting worse.

ok but sylvanas