9.1 is Worth the Wait

Yeah but Sylvanas is going to get away of course so her story won’t end there.

Ah. I guess no one can provide any proof?

To me, if you’re doing this wouldn’t you change your name and not post on the same name that is known for scamming?

He uses alts for that exact reason tbh, until people figure out it’s him and he abandons the scheme, vhalkorr was his more recent one

If Sylvanas dies there are no more villains who aren’t god type beings.

Knowing this, do you think they will kill her?

I’m not helping your thread grow anymore…

I’m out!

You mean like the buildup for N’zoth and Nyalotha that was introduced in Cataclysm 4 expansions before its implementation???

Ya blizzard doesn’t have a very good track record at this point

I’d agree if this was the real world.

but warcraft is imaginary and for narrative purposes redeeming sylvanas would feel terrible. They’ve been building sylvanas up as a villain since she was risen in WC3, after nearly 2 decades of buildup, players are expecting some kind of narrative payoff and “I’ve seen the error of my ways!” just ain’t gonna cut it.

What happens, if sylvanas is redeemed and instead of she dying tyrande dies!!!

Its number one because it is the longest running MMORPG at this stage and it has a massive dedicated playerbase, which is being tested with SL being half a flop and after the whole BFA thing. Look at the numbers of sunsubs recently.

Look at any MMORPG content creator and they will tell you that the market is starved atm, and a lot of these players are waiting for new releases like Ashes of creation and new world. WoW is the most popular game atm because its “the best average game” we have atm and it has a big dedicated player base as I said before.

meh i mean idc for her much but i would like to see where her story goes. i mean yea despite i dislike the game in it’s current state i do play there are some things i still enjoy about it just don’t think it will be worth the wait. we will see though

I think the fact that a new expansion led to burn out almost immediately after waiting for the entirety of BFA to end was a bit much.

I said I’ll unsub and wait but within weeks I realized that nothing was missing by quitting WoW. I’ve stopped playing this game a lot but I miss it big time when I do.

Not this time.

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slands buyers are breathing, most of them unsubbed already and have stepped plenty far back

some small slice of them will come back for 9.1

a huge chunk of wow players could care less about the story, they are just here for the social interaction and hamster wheel dopamine feedback loop

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Not even flying can fix this dumpster fire. At this point I could care less for flying, which in WOD, Legion and BFA made game so much more fun for me, I just don’t see this happening in SL.

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Probably… they tend to follow the rule of cool, plot twisty Game of Thrones style narratives. Which imo is a hard sell for an MMO.

a few years ago:
blizz: “it’ll be ready when it’s ready”
players: “POGGERS!”

blizz: “it’ll be ready when it’s ready”
players: “OMG SLACKERS!”

I warned people that 9.1 is going to be the make or break moment for systemlands. Lets see what happens!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: