9.1 is Worth the Wait

google ‘varsinax’ and tell me what you find

i googled vendreck instead

thats what people said about SL and look at it now.

SL is good.

No … ‘We’ are not. Raiders are the only ones who get to face Sylv. So only a portion of the playerbase will benefit from this singular motivation to wait for 9.1.

it wont be worth knowing they’ll pull some undeserved redemption end for her character

thats just your opinion bro. if you think it’s good then that is okay. i think it sucks but aye im just 1 person out of X amount of people that play this game.

Yeah thats just your opinion too

So since it doesnt matter what our opinions are, why not choose an opinion that makes you happy?

Why choose grumpy?

It’s felt like it’s been so long that I’m not even sure I care what happens. They are probably gonna have her run off and stretch it to the end of the expac anyway.

who said i was grumpy? i was just stating the obvious that a lot of people are displeased with how SL is in it’s current state and that fact that we waited for SL to release with a delay and it’s still bad by the majority.

i could give MANY examples in the past few years but i’d rather not waste my time any further

There there.

Sylvanas will make it all better.

And why should I be happy to again, face my warchief ?

i dont know but what does your guild name say in English? lol

For the Horde, so you can guess that I am not amused with WoW for the past 2 expansion.

Fair enough.

The Horde is popular though!


Because we’ll defeat Sylvie, but she won’t die, and there’ll be a rEdEmPtIoN aRc for her.

Calling it now.

I googled and saw a bit. Is there any actual receipts of him stealing? I know some ppl who have too much time on their hands w/multiple accounts and even bad mouth themselves on their own accounts. lmao

he’s done it to multiple guilds on moon guard and probably started with wra, can probably just ask around there and you’ll get a bit of angry people

heard his stealing all started over a twilight drake back in wrath when he ninja’d it

No I don’t wanna go to the maw.

How much you wanna bet it goes down in history as the most unbalanced patch ever?