9.1 is almost out

no aggressor hates me

The writing is so bad they need to patch it too :neutral_face:

In all seriousness this whole “dying in the afterlife” thing isn’t doing it for me. Elemental planes and final deaths make sense, but I can’t see it with the afterlife. Unless there’s something that can specifically destroy a soul like the Legion’s war machines it seems to me that a destroyed body should just take time to reform instead of…dying again.


On “having stakes” to stories with the ability to die-die…

There have been plenty of stories that involve functionally immortal beings being contained or locked somewhere in lieu of going where they’re supposed to.

Having a expansion that is supposed to take place in some of the regions a soul will go to after they die yet come to find out that death is also a function of this place means it’s not an afterlife in the strictest sense. It’s just another plane of existence a la the Elemental Plane.

Real Afterlives don’t have “stakes”. The whole point of being in the Afterlife is that the stakes portion of your existence is over. But like I said, there are ways to make it personally important that immortality doesn’t impede the narrative.

Being defeated in the afterlife causes you to wait for a global respawn timer until you can manifest a semi-corporeal form is fine. But if you get destroyed in such a manner that your soulstuff “scatters”…that extends the timer. Hell, you could have examples of beings who “pulled themselves together” but botched the process. Half-formed beings desperately seeking what bits of them “got away”, or hideous amalgams - confused and broken having pulled together multiple facets of different individuals. Or whatever defeated you just hoovers up your soul essence into themselves for a power boost. Congratulations, you just became a Fire Flower.

You can have stakes in the afterlife without needing a perma-death state. Or you can just leave it open to interpretation. Some who “die” in the afterlife come back…others don’t. Nobody knows why, and there are plenty of theories but no concrete proof. Is there an afterlife to the afterlife? Maybe.


Kass pointed out how Shadowlands the way the Shadowland inhabitants refer to their friends dying almost implies they have their own belief for an after life. I think the example they posted was a Night Fae saying something like, go with the night and it’s all just so dumb lol.

Go to afterlife, only for the afterlife people to have their own idea for an afterlife or something.

Anyway I’m just here to post that I found out that the hand pets in the game will play rock paper scissors and if your pet loses IT DIES (despawns) and the winner gets fireworks and does a thumbs up animation. I plan on leveling my undead characters next and now I want to come up with like a dumb RP underground rock paper scissor fighting arena and everyone brings their severed hands and what not and bet on a winner.


They can take a fallen body and infuse it with energy to make a mindless servant

how are there “fallen bodies” in the afterlife, steve

how does it make sense to have DEAD BODIES in the AFTERLIFE, steve

i’ve been upfront about how bad i think warcraft’s writing is, but there really has been a stunning lack of care put into shadowlands’ story


Quick question. I was going through the DK starting zone the other day and the quest you get to unlock your mount the NPC sends you into the “Realm of Shadows”… was it always called the Realm of Shadows or did they change that?

I very distinctly remember him saying you needed to journey into the Shadowlands to get your mount. Did they change the name in that quest with the release of Shadowlands?

I could have sworn it was deliberately called the Shadowlands as well.


Right?? I saw where the guy, forget his name it starts with an S, is like, “You will need to go into the Realm of Shadows and find your Deathcharger.”

I was like the Realm of Shadows? The hell is that? I thought it was the Shadowlands…

So I looked at a YouTube video from 13 years ago and it looks like it’s always been the Realm of Shadow. According to WoWpedia the Realm of Shadow, or “the Veil”, is the spirit realm we see when we die in game. It’s a realm between the physical world and the Shadowlands. Its hard to tell what changes there are from SL since I’m not too familiar with the Veil.


It was always realm of shadows for that one, you can check it on the various active WotLK database sites. I do recall that either he or another NPC did use Shadowlands and Realm of Shadows interchangeably at some point. Some of the denizens of the DK class forums can probably point to where, if you’re brave enough to venture there and also bothering to give Blizzard money so that you can post outside realm forums.

Yes this sounds like an assumption that will pan out well


they are one and the same in the dk order hall, but it has always been called the realm of shadows in the starting zone

but death gates have always been “traveling through the shadowlands” etc

edit: you send your followers into the shadowlands to collect powerful spirits in the same order hall questline. deals with the same rider you got your mount from.

if i remember rightly grand apothecary putress and empress shek’zara are two of the souls your guys gather from the shadowlands. it was very much styled as some sort of purgatory or hell, so i guess your followers are maw walkers?


I do know that Wraithwalk was at one time stepping into the Shadowlands.


yeah they re-thingied that with the release of shadowlands to what it is now

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Turns out if you die in the game you die for real.

Or something or another, idk, Frankie Muniz was in that movie.

So a friend of mine at Blizz has said they’ve -been- working on the next expansion.

So, big question. How hastily ended do yall think Shadowlands is going to be since they are “sprinting at full speed away from the cosmic dumpster fire”


i just want to hope, kenixx, please just let me hope. i cant hope for the story, i cant hope for customization options, just let me hope for weapon sheathe locations


you have no idea how desperate i am to believe this



the people who gave us shadowlands are still in charge, and i have no reason to believe that they can (or WANT) to give us more than what we got with shadowlands

but man i want to hope :pensive:


So I never believe people when they say stuff like this, nothing against you personally of course, I just don’t.

BUT, I wouldn’t be shocked if they saw how bad Shadowlands is doing and decided to kick it into high gear to get the next expansion out. So I wouldn’t be shocked if 9.2 is the last big patch for Shadowlands, with 9.2.5 being remaining story setup for 10.0.

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Well, unlike previous failures, they actually have to compete.

Even if it’s not there yet, they’re getting to the point their back will be to the wall, and even if motivated by greed, someone wanting a paycheck will eventually start to change things. That much can at least be relied on.

Pffft. That’s common sense, Dardillien. I don’t put much merit in it until I see the cinematic to next expansion.

They don’t exactly have a high bar to improve things. As jumbled and terrible as Shadowlands has been, it’s still been a intermission expansion to help set up whatever comes next.

That said, I still have honestly felt like Shadowlands is an intermission expansion. The Filler ark of the anime here. So next one will be the beach episode.