9.1 is almost out

As someone who genuinely liked Garrosh as a character, I’m really glad he went out that way. Very solid. Very fitting.

I’m also glad they took several years to carefully explain him as a character, catalog his failures, oust him appropriately and then use him as a catalyst for the next chapter of the story without making us continue ceaselessly chasing after him while he out-manuevers us with cunning guile.

Not that they’d do that.


sylvanas, after serving the jailer for like 10 years: I will never serve.

it’s exactly as bad as everyone thought it would be, and exactly what we were told would surprise us by blizzardo


Here’s what gets me about that…Sylvanas’ motivations are bouncing around literally all over the place as the writers admit to having no bloody idea what to do with her.

Garrosh for being about as nuanced as a 80s Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain on a Ted Turner network, is at least CONSISTENT in his motivations. When he starts ranting about every choice being one he’d make again…I unironically find that great. Because even though I do believe Blizzard 100% dropped the ball with Garrosh’s character…at least they’re owning that character and not making him out to be anything that he isn’t.

And thus does Garrosh’s little arc end up being the most compelling part of Shadowlands for me. Because this is a guy literally in the “You will repent for your sins” afterlife…and dude is so proud and self-sure to say “No. You are all wrong. I am right.”

That doesn’t make him well written but dammit it makes him entertaining!


I’m assuming they are doing something like in the Buffyverse where a mortal soul is sort of like a conscience and Sylvanas was fractured or whatever now it’s whole so she is going to be all redemptive and sorry.

In Buffy when a Vampire get’s their soul back they remember and have to live with every horrible thing they did as a soulless demon.

I remember every Denny’s that I ate at.
Is that similar enough?

(And thank you for the clarification)

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You know, its kinda sweet that Garrosh still screams, ‘For the Horde.’


Yeah when he shoots that at her, there’s a sort of outline of her old ranger general sort of body, then at the end her eyes aren’t red anymore – I think that’s supposed to mean she’s going to be ‘her’ again, no idea, but I don’t think that was ‘DK blue’ but rather ‘High Elf blue’.

She’ll wake up in a prison that she easily escapes from, then come back to help later.

Funny enough that was the one “Ehhh” part for me, and not because I’m mostly playing Alliance, but in the end even the renditions of the Horde he served as Warchief either turned against him or failed him.

It was a great moment as a former orc warrior, don’t get me wrong, but especially since his greatest “sin” was Pride I wasn’t expecting him to give a patoot about the Horde and have some kind of “I AM MAGNIFICENCE PERSONIFIED, I AM THE CHADDEST ORC” bellow.


When he bellows “For the Horde!”, he’s talking about his Horde, not the actual Horde.


she was just following orders why are you being so mean to her :footprints:

We have reached the nadir. There is no further this can sink.


I have such sights to show you.


Nathanos still hasn’t shown back up.



I just witnessed the cutscene thing

Ignoring a lot of other problems, my biggest greivance is that it was wholly uninspired and boring.

Was any of that supposed to be tense? Dramatic? At least the big death guy finally put on a shirt and he seems less… Bare. Still laughably basic though.

What an absolute and complete waste of space.


It’s so funny when he basically turns into the super lich king, Sylvanas’ face… what did she expect him to turn into, some super jolly santa or something??

I do think it will sink lower. Maybe Nathanos rescues her and she kill steals the Jailer from us or sacrifices her blue crystal soul to give Anduin back his humanity in the last raid.


I’ve been sitting here since watching the cut-scene, trying to think of a way out of this mess and yours is the best bet, I think. It’s messy and doesn’t feel quite right, but having her sacrifice herself would finally get her out of the story-line and the team can finally put the game to rest.


You know, now that I think about it, I get the same experience with Zovaal as I did with Taboo back in Super Smash Bros. Just felt like some fanfic OP nemesis invented just to be so much more powerful than every other hero.

Maybe they’ll do more of a Smash Bros. mode for Heroes of the Storm and make Zovaal the big bad scooping people up from different universes/worlds.


I find that with the advent of Battle for Azeroth that the way the narrative has been set has been continuously utilized to disenfranchise almost every other character for the benefit of Sylvanas and those who also fall in line with the author’s favourite. What has happened since then has been continuous effortless plot twists, retcons, and character misdevelopment that has ruined my enjoyment of the franchise on an overarching narrative level. There’s some good things in Shadowlands; I’ll admit that I really enjoyed Maldraxxus intro, Denathrius and other characters, biomes, and vignettes.

But I cannot handle how hard the lore has been dumpstered and rewritten to try to make Sylvanas’ tale more believable.

Why would Zovaal give Sylvanas her soul back when he was going to leave? Why does Sylvanas – who’s up to this point be entirely situated on destroying reality and succumbing souls to absolute annihilation – now be disgruntled that the Jailer, who’s continuously said and practiced domination magic and other venues that are unscrupulous without any redeeming factors – simply say that “All will be made to serve.”

The goal of the Shadowlands is not to tell an overarching narrative of interesting characters, it’s moreso to just get Sylvanas her ‘good-side’ back. Anduin won’t die either, none of the characters such as Jaina Proudmoore, Thrall, Bolvar Fordragon, Tyrande and Baine, has had any effectual development other than breaking out of Torghast and wondering what the Jailer/Sylvanas are doing.

It wouldn’t be so bad again if it didn’t come across as ripping everything up to make way for it. I don’t care about Sylvanas anymore but the problems she introduces and exacerbates has become too big to actually ignore. She’s a blackhole in character development because everything from Battle for Azeroth onward has been succintly to make her the central figure, improve what she does, and move her forwards. Damn everything else. Steve Danuser’s obsession with her also.

It’s pathetic. It’s this whinging feeling that everything that the player and the characters of World of Warcraft have done has been for ****** naught. Why and how does the Jailer somehow stipulate that no one escape the maw – except everyone. If the Jailer was a genuine threat than why won’t the Eternals actually band together and think for themselves instead of randomly disappearing? It’s bad. None of the characters that are supposed to be major proponents work as actual characters and instead are just 2-D tassets that are obliquely moved around to showcase how awesome and cunning and bad-ful Sylvanas and the Jailer are.

If the Jailer has the means to effectively remake reality and has consistently proven as such, then why doesn’t he just effectively annihilate the major characters and the player then and there? It doesn’t ****** matter if he leaves or not. It takes a second of his time. Even Sargeras who had wanted Azeroth for himself because of his obsession immediately drew a ****** planet-sized sword to try and split it in half when he realized how boned he was. Even Deathwing when he had the epiphany that he was ****** and outsmarted tried to take everyone down a notch. Even Archimonde, when he was outplayed, threw Gul’dan into present reality so that he could summon the Legion. All characters acted in a way that proved themselves realistic. All characters aforementioned showed how they dealt with final loss. ******, even Garrosh who went out like a baller.


This hits me in such a specific part of the childhood but also you’re right and you should say it.

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I almost feel relieved, in a way.

Knowing that this story legitimately won’t get better makes me feel better, honestly, and that poking fun at the very concept of this Sylvanas suddenly being the real Sylvanas just tickles me in ways I can’t describe.

Every fan boy and girl who ever liked Sylvanas never knew the “real” Sylvanas. The Sylvanas who likes smash mouth and thinks minion memes on facebook are classics.