9.1 is almost out

Unironically I want to catch all the armor arm battle pets, cause Bates has a suit of armor he possesses sometimes and let me tell you the SHENANIGAN POTENTIAL of having one of those battle pets to pull out and pet mirror the appearance of if his armor gets beat up and just. Hopping around in a single armored arm would be. Great. Amazing.


Omg please do this I believe in you.

I might have too copy this idea with one of the skeleton hand pets on one of my undead characters

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You know Warcraft’s version of hell is pretty lame. Ok, we have a little bit of lava in places and some spikes and lots and lots of chains…where are the real punishments? Where’s the boiling blood or constant violent winds? No betrayers eternally frozen in ice or sands of fire and raining lava? C’mon…


those are all in torghast although i don’t think they do sin-specific torture there, it’s more like a “one gibbet fits all” kind of policy

I mean, if we’re being genuinely honest with ourselves another 6 months of repetitive daily quests in Korthia is its own form of punishment.


this expansion is the actual hell

youve been duped into believing its hell for the characters.

its hell for you.


Jokes on them I’ve been pretty much unsubbed since like December. Chonga is in limbo not Shadowblands


serious answer: she says “You were loyal, once.”

that’s it.

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theory 1: this story was written exclusively for the wow writing team and steve danuser. they are essentially writing what they think is cool, and damn everyone else.

theory 2: this story was written exclusively for sylvanas windrunner. it would hurt her feelings if she ever failed, and she must be protected at all costs.

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You keep up that sass and the Jailor will give you a paddling.

the paddling…
of domination

actually you know what never mind


That’s not happening. Most of her dramatic pauses in the cinematics are already setting her up to be a tragic, somewhat sympathetic figure - someone whose anger has blinded her to the mistakes she’s made and is only now coming to understand.

Enjoy your time off, in any event.


oops my anger blinded me so I killed a lot of people ;(((

ill say sorry and it’ll be good ;)))))

i think saying sorry for killing even one person isn’t a way to get off of being for sentenced for murder, but what the hell do i know


yeah, i don’t really care how “sorry” you are and how much “doubt” you had, if you burnt hundreds of children to death and knowingly set them to a plane of eternal torture then you deserve death.

there are things you can’t be “redeemed” from.

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those kids knew what they signed up for!!!

edit: this is a hot take and not my actual belief

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I think we have to define what a redemption story is.

If a redemption arc is a story where an evil character has a justification, even a somewhat good justification, for doing evil, than almost everyone but the most selfish, cruel, and malevolent villains in media has had a “redemption arc.”

To me, a redemption story requires more than that. For one, I think the character has to repent of their evil in some way, either explicitly or implicitly. They generally have to undo what they’ve done, or work to make it right.

To use a recent and well known example, I would say Thanos in the MCU fits in the former category, while Nebula fits in the latter.

I don’t think Blizzard intends to go the latter route, but they may go the former, by explaining Sylvanas’ rationale and reasons. And I think many will interpret this as a “redemption arc.”

As for Elune sparing her, I hated it at first but I’m wondering if perhaps it’s a Gandalf to Gollum thing. Elune intuits that this poor, wretched, damned creature still has a part to play. And/or was saving Tyrande’s life.

I am, like most people, weary of Sylvanas. I kinda want it to be over. I think Blizzard has been dragging out her story long enough and I am ready for her to go on the back burner.

And so I think Blizzard has, through their method of storytelling and lack thereof, has made it so any sort of expansion on Sylvanas motivations will be called a “redemption” and any conclusion to this story, which has been baited out and focused far too much on “twists” and secrets and speculation, will fall flat no matter how decent it ends up being.

Speculation is fun and a good mystery and an inscrutable evil are great storytelling methods…but only for so long. After at least 3 expansions and almost a half a decade of Sylvanas gloating about her “TRUE PLAN”, no one freaking cares anymore.


I will agree with all of this, but I would also add if they had the ability at this point to tell a story, I’d be happy to go 10 expacs and 20 years with Sylvanas.

*if it made sense and worked. It doesn’t and that is why I am over it.


Since everyone’s allowed to be redeemed in this universe, that means Hell is meaningless because nobody goes there!

Except all the nameless innocents the people who get redeemed send there deliberately, that is.


Truly, the only unreasonable expectation in WoW is that someone might be held accountable for their war crimes.


My “Old Monk Yells At Clouds” is showing but for some reason part of what I find most egregious and offensive about the whole TRUE PLAN thing is that it’s somehow more important or worth telling than just… I don’t know, dragging out the Burning Legion a little bit longer, the end of all things, the cosmos consuming flame that we’d seen the machinations of since 1994.

Everything since Sargeras was just an angry fart cloud in space that gets locked into Illidan’s “Nobody asked you to stay here and do this” revenge throne for spankings has just felt so… hollow. The last hook they really had to make me kind of go okay, yeah, I can see it was the Old Gods which they then went “Er no, sorry, Void Lords” when they then went “Er no, sorry, uhm… the Nathrezim and Sylvanas are now more important / complex than that, and the Void isn’t the true threat anymore either.”
