9.1 is almost out

I didn’t say it was not just to do so. I said it would not bring justice for the genocide. My point isn’t that she should not die or that she doesn’t deserve it. In fact I called killing her a victory. Just a hollow one. She is one person who played on the fears and bigotry of the Horde. The majority of the Horde was willing to follow her, even in opposition to Horde heroes like Thrall, Saurfang,etc and they only stopped because she said “The Horde is nothing.” She isn’t the only one culpable.

its extra funny in the face of legion.

you know.

at last.

Played 9.1 for a bit. I’m not really captivated by it.

Oooh I completely misunderstood you earlier!

So correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds like you’re saying that killing Sylvanas would not be enough to get justice and vengeance, and more would have to be done… perhaps more people would have to be punished even, before the night elves have justice?

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All the responses I’ve seen thus far have largely been “eh, I’m not taken with it” (and of course the usual “OMG :heart_eyes: BEST UPDATE EVER THANK YOU BLIZZ :sparkling_heart: :100: :scream_cat:”) so I’m assuming it’s a middle-of-the-road, more-of-the-same patch that’ll be consumed fairly quickly. Curious to see how people feel a few weeks from now.

Also, old raids are apparently broken?? You can’t even solo MC anymore from what I’m seeing, which I’m sure will go over well.


Honestly I kinda liked Elaine gave me her strength the wrath is my own.

The fight scenes are getting better in the sense that they look a little less cartoonish, but worse because they look like one of those staged duels at a renaissance festival. The strikes look choreographed, which is of course because they are.

I think I’m going to have fun with new torghast stuff but otherwise idk


don’t edit this


You know. Mother Moon. Pizza Pie of the Sky. Elaine, if you’re freaky.


Yup! Sorry I was a bit unclear originally. And it’s also not just punishing individuals but also things like concessions of land and gold and the like make sense to help NE rebuild. Obviously the warcraft narrative makes no sense with military numbers but also things like “Okay Horde, you need to downsize your military capabilities but you can have a self defense force.” also make sense.

I personally think killing the mastermind of the Night Elf genocide would be justified and bring justice that was not gained through the peace treaty.

That said, given the crimes of Sylvanas, it would at best be a bittersweet victory because of the fact most your people died and there really isn’t a way to fix that.

I used to be a lot more tolerant of WoW Twitter doing this, up until it became accompanied by “anyone who says anything negative about WoW is a mentally unhealthy loser idiot who is too stupid to appreciate the dev’s obvious brilliance” that seems to be encourage by those same dev’s retweeting habits.

You know, for a series that gained its fame as strategy games, WoW has surprisingly little tolerance for actual, like, military strategy and statistics, doesn’t it?

Like, how cool would Dazar’alor be if we actually had to plan out a siege strategy in the narrative that like, was rigorous and made sense?


also im claiming tyrandes super jump for the night elves.

we can do that whenever we want now.


Oh, man, yeah. The pro-Blizzard side of Twitter is starting to get a little, uh, unhinged. Seeing T&E on my dash insinuating (with no small amount of venom) that the only reason people didn’t like WoW was because content creators had bamboozled them into thinking it was bad was… something.

I have since been a little more liberal with the block, mute, and unfollow buttons, because I see enough weird nonsense on that site as is.


If you want I can post my usual length of 1,000+ words talking about my take on it.

But yeah i feel like it’s bad.

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tyrande is cool send tweet

We’re getting glasses! Beyond that, I don’t particularly care much about it.


Blizzard has gotta give the Night Warrior a win tbh. As she currently stands I’m convinced Bilbo Baggins is more powerful.

bilbo was actually able to accomplish his goals

I logged in. Bought all the glasses. Spent about an hour or so changing hairstyles, transmogs and trying on different glasses. Took a bunch of screenshots. Logged out.

This is the first ‘content’ patch I’ve ever entirely ignored the actual ‘content’.

At some point down the road in Shadowlands I may care again, but right now? I got nothin.


Too bad Sylvanas has a stronger ally in Zovaal Constanza