9.1 includes more hatred and malice towards Night Elf Players (Spoilers)

i am mostly an alliance main myself (dwarf pally main since vanilla) but the nelf/worgen people on the forums make me feel embarrassed to post on my ally toons. like… wowza.


Agreed I do not appreciate how she treats me. Why do I want to help her? Oh yeah I don’t! I hope Sylvanas rips you soul out for food Tyrande! I only help good Night elf souls that appreciate it. The kind ones that appreciate me bringing them to their new home. They deserve to be helped and rest in a good home. But not you.

Well, obviously it can’t be the humans. No one cares about the Dwarfs or Gnomes, and the Draenei have too much swaggle. The rest are not important enough yet.

all she does is rage 24/7 in irrational ways. its WARcraft. sylvanas did a mass murder which is normal in war. the only real attempted actual genocides in the game were things humans did. aka arthas trying to kill off every helf or the stuff that happened to the trolls. but you don’t see ally mentioning that in that context. mostly just saying syvlanas is satan and that arthas did nothing wrong and wasn’t in control of himself so it doesn’t count. yeah okay, bud.

Were you not aware that ANY version of Sylvanas is Plot-armor-Darling?


Hey the bank called and said your reality check bounced


What do you mean, we got our payback on the Horde when Malfurion killed those 5 or 6 horde grunts in Darkshore… Didn’t you feel vindicated?

I hate Sylvanas nearly as much as Tyrande I want them both to die but great god between Tyrandes character and the nelf fans it makes it harder to hate Sylvanas as much as her lol

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Most of us Night elf fans are just tired of being the race blizzard beats down to make everyone else seem strong… we want to stop being the Worf of WoW races.


i just think in general it’s hilarious that people are mad at the stuff sylvanas does but don’t realize it only happened at all cuz of arthas. she didn’t raise herself as a banshee after she tortured and killed herself.

You know, if the art team didn’t have to give her a new look every patch, maybe we could get class themed tier sets again


Not Ranger General Sylvanas!
(too soon?)

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I think it’s better than being completely ignored and have absolutely nothing like Gomes and dwarves. To each their own though.

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Actually she did. When she killed herself by jumping off ICC she could have done the world (of Warcraft) a favor and stayed dead.

Or you know, after that time she got shot in the head and killed by a level 12 character?


if arthas hadn’t done it in the first place none of the rest of that could have happened. she’d have died, and been dead. but thank you for driving my initial point home, mr human.

And Arthas wouldn’t have had to kill her is she just would have let Kel’Thuzad take a swim in the sun well. What happened to her was the response she got for causing problems.

Idk I think I would rather Night elves just be there in the back ground then having to face being beaten at every turn because we need to make the orcs and humans seem powerful and important.

But yes its not just Night elves that suffer its pretty much any race not orc, human, or undead. The Draenei get some time in the spot light every time the legion shows up which is nice, but that’s like every 6th expansion. The Trolls kinda sorta get some focus every now and then, but not the player faction of trolls just the race in general.


The only way BE suffered is because of the Forsaken (former Scourge) that destroyed their homeland. Otherwise, they are the plot armor race of the game

To be completely fair, Arthas did actually ask politely to use the Sunwell.
Then he asked less politely…


arthas had no reason to try to kill everyone but he tried. you do realize you’re actively victim blaming someone who at the time only was trying to save their entire race? again as a male human dk i realize you will have issues being objective about this but at that point HE was the bad guy. the worst of the worst who was trying to destroy the entire world. she was just a high elf trying to save her people. you don’t have to like what she’s become but she hadn’t gotten to that level before everything that happened later had happened. are you pro garithos as well?

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