9.1 is on PTR and Blizzard is once again doing everything they can to show their hatred towards the Night Elf playerbase, this includes:
- Making Tyrande lose against Sylvanas
- Sylvanas once again getting away
- Tyrande getting severely injured, potentially dying and losing her “powers”
- Sylvanas destroying the heart of Ardenweald and basically the zone itself
- The potential destruction of the night elf souls
This is what our resolution / justice for Teldrassil is? Really? I wonder why Blizzard hates Night Elves this much, is it because it’s the most popular Alliance race and all devs are all Horde or what’s up with the Night Elves suffering that much misery, losing all of their zones and getting wiped out?
First you let Sylvanas commit a genocide against the Night Elves and either take away or destroy their zones. Then the souls of the night elves get destroyed and obliterated and now you make Tyrande lose against Sylvanas in the most humiliating way? How is that even fair? This has nothing to do with normal writing but this is just someone at Blizzard having a hatred towards Night Elf players and trying to make them feel bad about playing the race, nothing else.
You don’t just have a playable race lose absolutely everything and then continue kicking them while they’re down.
It’s weird that the victim keeps losing to their abuser in their supposed justice plot.
Edit: I wouldn’t even be surprised if this post gets removed in an attempt to censor complaints from Night Elf players, just like everything else Night Elf related got removed from the game.
If you too think that the Night Elves are simply treated in an unfair and malicious way or if you think that the Sylvanas fan fiction should come to an end, please leave a comment in this post.
Edit 2: I also made a post in the PTR forums https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-problem-with-making-tyrande-lose-again/937066
What, were your multiple threads about “Tyrande not in 9.1” not enough?
This is even worse than Tyrande not appearing at all, they’re actively showing their hatred and malice now.
Did you actually expect her to win against Sylvanus? Really?
Sexy bikini heritage armor would heal all wounds as far as I’m concerned.
It is really weird that we would rescue all those night elf souls in torghast only for ardenweld to suffer a teldrassil. It’s almost like the writing team is just awful in general?
so wait if tyrande doesn’t kill sylvanas, then who will?
Uh yea? I mean Sylvanas commited genocide against her people, tortured them and obliterated them, isn’t it a bit distasteful to make her beat Tyrande too now?
I’d love to know the answer to this question. They were so distinct and interesting in Warcraft 3. They were a great contrast to the Horde in that game. What happened?
Give it a rest. Whiney night elf players probably do more to damage the race than Blizzard does
Now if they can only kill off Malfurion as well, 9.1 won’t be all that bad of a patch.
Don’t get greedy, Tyrande is a good start 
You’re right. Better they save Malfurion for us, m’lady.
Whaaat? the amazing writing team that brought us the story of BFA? Whaaaat? nah, they would never!
I mean who didn’t see the whole alliance fleet getting sucked down to nazjatar…
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It’s probably because she takes the form of a blood elf, Sylvannas secretly hates female blood elves because she really wants to get with Lorthemar or however you spell that elf dude’s name.
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Good lord, that’s… terrible.
If that’s really the only direction Blizz knows how to go in with regards to the Night Elves and Ardenweald story, then I may be done with this game. That is just incomprehensibly horrific. That is effectively destroying hope and without that, there’s literally no point in continuing.
I guess they really do just want us gone from the game. So be it, I guess.
Edit: Today has been a not-great day so I started off angry, and after some thought… I’m trying to be semi-patient with the persistent bad decision making on Blizz’s part. Maybe, maybe it won’t be as terrible as it sounds. I’m hoping not. I’m hoping there will be a twist and proper justice and redemption for the Night Elves. I guess we’ll see.