Why do you believe Blizzard does something that affects a given race because of “hatred” and “malice” toward players of that race?
Is this for real? I’'m all in for sacrificing Malfurion to save Ardenweald.
why hate in secret? elves suck and deserve that hate ,they got too many fingers
It’s not super hard to predict what the writing team will do, Just think of the dumbest, most contrived plot device, mcguffin or conclusion you could think of, yes, that one. that’s how Blizzard writes their stories.
Iunno, I’m not an elf!
They have ptr up now? nvm,found it.
More night elf hate? oh goody
good. about time Alliance lose more characters. makes up for y’all keeping Jaina even though she was a raid boss but we lost Rakhastan, and Saurfang, and Sylvanas, and Baine/Thrall (to Alliance)
Forsaken and NE’s tied for least amount of story lore.
NE’s just keep getting Shafted.
Forsaken worse off, Sylvanas was pretty much their entire race’s lore!
True. Calia just sucks. A lot of Forsaken (players) seem to be happy though if they let Lillian Voss be our new leader, myself included
I’m confused. Earlier people were posting that Sylvanas was gonna be a raid boss in 9.1.
Anyway. I never get tired of seeing night elf players get upset so I hope what you posted happens.
No one can kill the developers’ “waifu.”
This truly is a horrible thing to do and I hope that does not actually happen.
I’d like to officially open the NE Bar. Grab your beards in the barrel on the way in and pull up a chair before I drink all the stock myself…hic!
If this is to be believe, which i don’t, they are setting up to extinguish a wow race completely, if they are great job Blizzard the story will at least be good ending because people would stop playing.
Oh sick is it that time again ? are we about to have another ELF EXTINCTION PARTY UP IN HERE?!
This would be the end line if it were in SL so no more fun for you guys to poke at.
You mean the thing night elves have done to countless other races? Oh no
Could you imagine the tears of the Blizzard writers if they were forced to do that?
The amount of calls to the EAP?
The extra amount of money spend on psychiatrists to help the employees deal with the trauma?
We would probably have to wait 4 years for anther expansion, simply to allow the team time to recover.
Blizzard could never afford to kill off Sylvanas. The cost of taking care of their employees would make Bobby’s bonus look like chicken feed.
You know who would really close the circle if he killed Sylvanas?
I’m starting think some night elves players are actual night elves from some alternate universe.
They’re the kind of people who keep saying they hate living in the city and have a forest as a desktop background, but won’t last more than 15 minutes in a place with no internet connection.