9.1 Hopes and Predictions

Team Windrunner is blasting off again.

Did anyone else laugh when he was talking about that eye boss, he was so enthusiastic about it yet it’s so silly lol

Yeah, uh…is it being the eye of Odyn a big deal? Did I miss that in Legion?

Since Sylvanas is getting Gul’dan’d. I’m genuinely waiting to see if Arthas returns and kill steals us.


Odyn gave one of his eyes to be able to peer into the shadowlands I think?


Think the bigger question is why did Odyn want to peer into the Shadowlands? Place is a dump.

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So I watched the trailer.

Man, they just HAD to put Uther in there, didn’t they? That little “THIS IS LIKE THE WARCRAFT 3 CINEMATIC DO YOU REMEMBER? DO YOU GUYS REMEMBER THE WARCRAFT 3 CINEMATIC?” just made me bust a gut and ruin the “SUPER SERIOUS BUSINESS” the trailer was trying to convey.

It’s like…yes, we are all aware of WarCraft 3 and the parallels. The problem is Arthas walked into his own damnation knowingly and Anduin’s an assault allegory. Or would be an assault allegory if anyone at Blizzard had even the slightest bit of awareness for the gross tropes their storytelling is putting out.

And again, if you want to use Arthas…USE ARTHAS! Dude is literally THERE.


Maybe one of the unmentioned shadowlands is where illidari go and it’s all hookah pipes and scantily clad demon groupies.

So, on a serious note…

Blizz should actually flat out kill Anduin in 9.1 and it’s just a hard end to his character.

Like, we see the grip isn’t great, but if we ended up having to actually kill him that would go a long way for improving this expansion since it would make Chain Daddy much less Team Rocket-ish.


sad grape flavoured uther swan dives into the maw to find arthas to help us bust anduin out of being Lich King’d

screenshot this

and then screenshot me crying later when it’s not true and we don’t see arthas at all because i’m a nostalgialord that likes all my old characters

I feel like that’s very much in the cards. Anduin dies to fully redeem Sylvanas so she can transform into Kerrigan Windrunner and save Azeroth from the machinations of Amon-Diablo and his Burning Hybrid Legion.

Also because Anduin was stupid enough to leave a fully functional family in charge of Stormwind. Turaylon’s got a wife AND an heir already ready to go.

You’re fired.

We don’t put the words ‘Sylvanas’ and ‘Redemption’ in the same sentence here.

Dread it.
Run from it.
In the end, where does it lead you?

Back to her.


y’all remember starcraft?

i remember starcraft

does blizzard remember starcraft

where is my blizzconline thread on the realm forums

Meh. I’m honestly too uninvested in that to care.

Sylvanas can rule the Shadowlands for all I care, considering I’m extremely confident we’ll ever be coming back after this expansion.

That said, my personal preference remains she dies in a failed redemption arc since the issue with writing redemption arcs is that if you keep redeeming all villains, it loses it’s value.

I know this. And so far almost all take away your memories and one turns you into Dr. Manhattans cousin, or a care takers of those who are privileged to be reborn in the mortal realm, becoming a decayed corpse destined to be a police force and fight for all eternality, or not-vampire’s spending thousands of years redeeming souls.

So until I see more I see no reason to believe the rest are any better.

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Remember when StarCraft was like THE premiere E-sport and there was an entire subsect of YouTube devoted just to shoutcasting replays? And how that all just kind of…stopped…even before Legacy of the Void released?

It’s all Blizzard knows at this point. If the StarCraft 2/Diablo 3 disasterpiece taught me anything it’s modern Blizzard has one script that it shares between all its franchises and you will NEVER deviate from said script. The twists are all outlined within the opening moments of the game and then played 100% straight, 100% of the time.

Wings of Liberty was kind of brutally one-note but still had a lot of technical and tactical play, IIRC Heart of the Swarm was very “just make death ball”, and Legacy of the Void (from me playing it and watching high level or tournaments) is actually really solid and flexes a bit more play variety.

Granted a lot of that eSport boom was “yo new highly competitive RTS just dropped” and did have mad props for being a sequel to one of the biggest and longest lasting big eSport games ever. So that helped.

then they wanted to recapture that magic by brute forcing HOTS with a lot of money and when it didn’t make the businessmen all that money back tenfold they axed the dev team (which has slowly been rebuilding and repopulating itself but boy the damage sure was done huh)


hots deserves so much better like it’s not ‘dead game’ but boy it is gonna need one hell of a second wind and a lot of elbow grease to get back to where it was

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I’ve always thought of the rise of MOBAs as sort of the death of competitive RTS’s, since the main players in the MOBA genre are basically just RTS games that are more exciting to spectate, but I’ve never had any real evidence that one caused the other.


like how do you shoot yourselves in the foot when you make an incredibly accessible, easy to learn hard to master (sorta, it’s mostly just learning rotations and judgment calls imo) MOBA game that celebrates all your IPs

i know this is a 9.1 thread but i’ve been salty ever since it happened and BlizzCon having one HOTS panel this year with no news to show so it’s a Carbot panel (which is all well and fine, Carbot’s solid)

it’s still around and still fun and definitely populated enough and it still is a celebration but that dev pipeline seems really blocked up, narrowed, and slowed down holy cannoli when was the last map and can heroes come out just a wee bit faster

i hate esports they ruined my favourite MOBA and lootboxes/game as a platform/game as a service/‘lifestyle’ game (one you dedicate most of your free time to) are ruining my vidya aaaaaaa

Anyways I hope 9.2 is just flushing the Jailer down the toilet and 9.3 is an “adjustment period” patch of us coming back to Azeroth and oops all timeskip.