9.1 Heartstop Aura is gone. sad day

Shroud of Winter is a game changing replacement.

Definitely a buff once the nuances are mastered.

Oh it’s game changing alright.

Not even close, and not a single R1 DK would agree with you.

And we wouldn’t want it to be. If Shroud of Winter was just as good as heart stop it defeated the purpose of removing heart stop. Replacing a game controlling aura passive for another makes 0 sense if they’re both just as strong.

Shroud of Winter is like the hillbilly cousin of heart stop, and it should be. The DK community is hoping that the removal of heart stop will allow bliz to buff us in other aspects. This however puts our faith in blizzard, mind you the company that nerfed Chill Streak but left Arms Warriors untouched this season.

If heart stop is removed for shroud and that’s, that? It’ll be bad news for FDK’s. Your boy pizza said this, I’ve said this & so have many others.

We shall see.

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With the loss of Heartstop, instead of the new replacement i would rather have something that adds the effects of the old glyphed version of icy touch back. It seems like every class and their mothers are running around with absorb shields nowadays. This would give DK’s something to counter those skills with.

it didnt defeat the purpose of removing heartstop.
Heartstopper was a anti melee cleave, useless vs casters talent.
Shroud is more versatile in the sense that its always usable and is always strong(maybe not as strong) vs melee cleaves, but has the benefit of also being strong into casters. Significantly stronger than Heartstopper was.

Its was a change to add versatility to the class, and to kinda erode some of the rock/paper/scissors going on in 3’s.
Or atleast thats how it looks to me.

what? How so? Heart Stop impacted ALL CD’s. Fire Mages combust, as an example. It impacted Melee, ranged & heals alike that were within range.

Fixed this for you

All it does is decrease range of abilities as long as you’re within 8 yards of the target. How is that significantly stronger than directly impacting their CD recovery?

Slowing down ability recovery rate by 30% to everyone within 8 yards or reducing abilities range by 30% to those within 8 yards? It’s clear which one is more superior.

Heartstop is so toxic that NOBODY likes playing into it.

ngl it’s coming off as you don’t really know what Heart Stop does.


Just theorycraft all the ways its useful.
Theres like literally a limitless amount of scenarios where this talent is highly beneficial.
Not trying to be rude but you seem to want to be upset about the class, because its just been a depressing expansion in general for us.
I do the same thing relative to other topics.

Want to, implies choice.

The fact that Heartstop Aura is going away is lame and I can understand why Nethy and Chillpills are so upset about the change.

Sure, shroud seems useful… Just not as useful as Heartstop. Heartstop is vastly superior compared the two.


Shroud seems as good or better than Heartstop on paper.
Its just going to have a learning curve with alot of oppressive nuances.
its certainly more engaging than Heartstopper is.

I’m not arguing that it won’t have some benefits. But you’re arguing that it’s better than heart stop. Which is wildly incorrect. You also made the claim that Heartstop is useless into casters, which is mindblowingly wrong.

Yes, I was upset HS was removed initially, as because I reflected on the CS nerf we took while classes like Arms was left alone. However, as I mentioned earlier - the removal of Heartstop allows blizzard to give FDKs buffs in other aspects be it toolkit or damage outside of a aura passive that took up a mandatory PvP talent slot.


This raises a question.

How is Shroud more engaging than Heartstop when they both have exactly the same functionality of having to stand 8 yards of the enemy?

30% reduced CDR is far more broken than 30% reduced range.


30% CD is better in long term situations.
30% range loss is better in the moment.

Trust me, it’s not good as you think.

Shroud replacing Heartstop is a nerf. A very lame nerf.


Just speculation at this point. No sense trusting anyone.

Yea, don’t trust me, Nethy or Chillpills who posted that many people agree with that it’s a nerf.

It’s not a speculation. It’s a fact and you know it. It’s a lame nerf. Don’t try to rationalize this poor change.


that is awesome! i actually love BDK and was running it in bgs myself. if you have rune of sanguination and the death’s certainty legendary, you can do insane death strike damage. the healing is pretty good. id say almost perfect, but still needs some buff, especially in arena. the damage is the only thing that needs a buff on BDK to be amazing honestly.

So let me get this straight. Frost gets a huge nerf by removing Heart Stop aura, Chill Streak is still a requirement to make the spec work, and Unholy doesn’t get any buffs to make it viable. On top of that the 10% Chill Streak nerf still wasn’t necessary.

Anyone who thinks they’re going to fix the rest of our toolkit or move damage around is fooling themselves. This is just a straight up nerf.

Warriors and Pallys still get to be gods. What a joke.


To be fair, Ret pals will likely fall off the face of the planet in 9.1 when the burst meta starts fading away into a dampening meta.

but yeah. DK is a pretty ignored class relative to what we actually want.


Frost dks have no reason to complain ever



what?! hearstop aura is terrible for the game

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