9.1 Heartstop Aura is gone. sad day

I don’t think Blizzard play PVP at all, surprised chill streak didn’t get nerfed again.


Dead class?

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I guess so.


Guess i’m officially a Warlock main now. :confused:

They’re not great, but they’re okay. They’re fun, for sure.

we either play unholy now (which has yet to recieve any buffs) or reroll i suppose. Im thinking enhance shaman or havoc dh if they get buffed

although i suppose this new talent could be decent against mages, run delirium shroud of winter just sit on them all game and make it very hard for them to land polys

It may also prove to be good against healers in 3s. DK sits healer while your teammate smashes your kill target at a distance, thus forcing the healer to get closer in order to get their casts off, which then puts them in a position for FDK to setup their go a little easier.

Still, doesn’t compare to Heart Stop by a long shot.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I’m hoping this means we’ll get a power replacement in another form to replace what we lost but time will tell.

In the meantime I’m getting my Arms Warrior up to speed, just incase.

Every single time I think Blizzard can’t be more dissappointing, they one-up themselves.


This seems a little heavy handed, not sure what fdk did to piss off these folks…


It would be totally fine IF
UH would work well in arena
or frost wasn’t reliant on chill strike but rather on single target damage
or both specs had good necrotic ability

But as it stand now: It another big nerf not really surprised. They NEVER play their own game. This was a case of years after years. Legion adjustments was the only different time.

At this point have no hope for them in adjusting anything to make balance more manageable. I guess they need to start looking for another jobs since if balance stays the same more people will leave and layoffs will come.


If i dont see deathstrike nerfs reverted, Frost strike buffed by over 30%, Oblit buffed in Might of the Frozen Wastes, IBF buffed to a 40% wall, and our other useless honor talents reworked to be actually useful and interesting im literally done

Lets make DK the slow hulking juggernaut class but then remove their ability to be the slow hulking juggernaut by gimping their self sustain and making them hit like a wet noodle

Pillar damage is fine, Outside pillar damage makes me want to quit the game because of how inexcusably bad it is. This games really fun when i have to mash deathstrike to stay alive for 5% hp over mashing frost strike to do 2,100 damage to people with 40,000 hp


Y’all should hop on the Blood train :slight_smile:

“Trucking” a mage, or any class that can kite, as a DK isn’t going to happen. Especially with the Heartstop aura removed. . .

Someone @Blizzard has a bone to pick with DK’s. /golf clap


Blood is trash in arenas why would we lol

People are becoming aware of its viability.
More so on EU.

There’s a few high rated DKs over here queuing as Blood, and over 20 of them on EU.
It’s a viable spec, but the skill floor and ceiling are both really really high.
ALOT of keybinds.
ALOT of things to manage at once.
Basically opting to play on extreme hard mode, with a viable, but mediocre pay off.

Im not gonna say it’s better than Frost, but there’s an argument to be made that its better than Unholy.

Oh man, this got me right in the feels

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What’s the point in playing Frost DK anymore? Everything I can do, my undergeared Paladin does better. I love the class fantasy but playing my DK is just playing on hard mode…

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There never are, we seem to be the class blizzard regrets creating.


imagine u make a warriors charge or a rogues step some miniscule range because of shroud lmao, that sounds super toxic

Maybe should tune it to 50% range reduction, but then again I wouldn’t really know

So should I not spend time levelling my Frost DK anymore? Srs question. Like the loss of Heart Stop sucks but, it’s not THAT bad right? Right? cries in level 50 DK

It was a defining piece that made the spec great outside of its cleave damage.

If Heart Stop is removed, and FDK’s are not compensated for that loss, it’ll suck.

Some are speculating that this means the rise of UDK.