9.1 further disenfranchises non-competitive playerbase

Your sims are incorrect as they have changed how they calculate class damage through gear upgrades particular weapon damage since WotLK. If you only look through ilevel differences when comparing WotLK and systemlands that is purely intellectually dishonest. I expect something like that level of math from a junior high student.

But keep trying to push that false equivalency not only in this thread but in multiple threads.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

WQ’s just arent that much fun. I guess everything boils down to that very thing. Do we find it fun? No. I guess some of us just…don’t.

Eh, leveling itself isn’t that fun. All just a means to an end.

Current, perhaps. But a) conduits apparently count as drops in raids, and b) when SL released, raid drop rates absolutely were lower than they are now.

Blizzard wants players rounding out their activities to offset what feels like gear scarcity in any one field. It’s why the vault offers more items for the more content you do. It’s also at least partially why bonus rolls didn’t come out on day 1.

It’s all about you being a MAU walker, after all.

You’re obviously making stuff up.

The comment was on gear power differences through upgrades.

In the last interview ion said the ~1% per item level has been unchanged since Wrath.

A bunch of people called BS and it was massive scaling.

Then a bunch of us posted sims where we changed all our gear to 213 then all our gear to 226 and saw consistently less than than a 13% change (which would be 1% per item level).

Then we get people who just plug their ears and cover their eyes to math.


it is straight up dishonest comparing WotLk and systemlands ilevel gaps and saying there is “no difference”

First, for PVP resilience is the first big difference between WotLK and current PVP system. Second, versa is no where near the realm of resilience.

Second rogues scaling with agility and AP was vastly different than currently with agility. Agility has changed fundamentally from where it was in WotLK. Furthermore, I haven’t even touched secondary stats. Mastery didn’t even exist…

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

/laughs in armor penetration.

AP = attack power

Arp = armor pen

Learn the difference.

Saying the difference is unchanged is laughable as they had to resort to diminish returns to secondary stats in systemlands.

How is that anywhere near the realm of WotLk scaling?
:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Conduits do not count as drops in terms of number of items.

Yeah, initially it was a 15% ratio (~1 per 7 instead of 1 per 5) which I felt was dumb when group size is based on 5.

Bonus rolls didn’t exist for the first half of the expansions life, not until MoP. And back then you didn’t get a guaranteed item off the raids loot table every week as well.

The vault change I think was them trying to let people not feel the need to do mythic+ if they are doing other content so they get a weekly item, but tbh as long as you unlock an item for just 1 key clear it’s just too easy and strong to skip. I don’t think that’s going away unless they want to cripple mythic+ though so who knows.

The end is still leveling, just at a much slower pace, and the only advancements come from gear.

I’d argue that leveling (current level - max level) is the most interesting time of any expansion, with the least amount of repetition to it. It’s your first look into something new, and it’s kind of bizarre that so much of an expansion that is intended to last 18+ months is consumed within a matter of a week or 2 for the average player.

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You know how you can catch someone in a lie?

They repeat what someone else says without checking themselves. Straight up PS for WotLk exist as of right now and we have the data that shows otherwise. WotLK scaling is no where near systemlands huge ilevel jumps. Not even close.

Also BlizZard has changed the calculations how classes scale in PVE and PVP because they use class auras which did not exist in WotLk.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Armor penetration was a stat that was so broken it only lasted 1.5 expansions.

It was so good and kept getting better as you stacked more of it due to armor to % scaling being on an exponential scale.

It made those with high armor penetration do massively more damage than those who couldn’t stack that stat.

Wrath needed diminishing returns to be honest, the % were so high by the end hunters could reach 100% armor penetration and also the soft crit cap at the same time (and also stay hit capped).

You clearly didn’t actually do anything in Wrath that you’re so ignorant of how it worked back then.

I can’t wait until Wrath classic comes out and the data is all over warcraftlogs.

Bumping this thread

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The fact that you believe ilevel scaling of WotLK is equivalent to systemlands right now is laughable. Lets be honest…anyone that has played WotLK knows that isn’t even close to reality.

Like I said we have data right now with WotLK PS and what 'Dear Leader" said was a straight up lie or even a fabrication.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

With armor penetration you’re probably right, the scaling was even higher in Wrath than now.

Which no one buys.

Armor Pen scaling was a unique relationship. The benefit increased with more Armorpen regardless of how high you went. In other words there was no limit theoretically.

With that said WotLk scaling is closer to BC than systemlands. Anyone peddling the systemlands ilevel scaling is close to WotLk is trying to cover up that they did a lazy job with the current item level squish and level squish.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I don’t see how negative feedback = victimized narrative?

It’s well known that you spend more time on the forums and being social than playing the game. Your takes on things are pretty uninformed, to be honest. I know you’ll take that the wrong way. Whatever lol


Is there? The day to day stuff WoW has to offer is mindnumbingly easy and boring. You don’t have to worry about mechanics. The world isn’t a threat (it used to be!). It’s just a theme park where only some of the rides offer a scare.

If you want real difficulty you’re going to have to do Mythic raiding and 20+…which not everyone is going to be able to do. Even Heroic Nathria can be pugged. Torghast WAS a bit difficult but they nerfed the hell out of that. There really isn’t any challenge in this game other than high, high mythic+ and mythic raiding.

I don’t disagree with what you’ve said in the sense that for a competent player it is certainly the case.

However, I just want to offer the perspective that there are far more players who are still finding their sea legs and do find day to day stuff difficult and why things are nerfed as the data rolls in and the team sees that not enough players can defeat the content. We can agree that nerfs, opposed to bug/scaling fixes, are specifically done so that more players can engage/complete the content it cost them to design.

This drives the call for better gear, because the perception is that “if only I had gear, I could enjoy ‘x’.” Since this is a gear based game, while that call is misplaced, better gear give a boost, regardless.

If you’re competent, the gear level rewards are fine, but the list of things to do while wearing that gear is very low right now and could use more content, especially since they’ve sped up leveling.

Either side of the coin, it’s not in a good spot right now. I’d like the team to develop some targeted things for the non-end-game content player.

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Maybe they could provide non-endgame or competitive players a full armor set of gear as they progress the story.

Maybe make it’s appearance themed for the covenant they are doing quests for.

Maybe add set bonuses to make it even better in the outside world because maybe they aren’t that interested in dungeons or raids.

Maybe we can even let them upgrade it with a currency they can grind from almost anywhere until it’s fairly strong. Maybe within 3 item levels of the normal mode raid.

Blizzard should get on it already.