Usually, Previous + Current Tier, you’d get like half of your gear filled in by raid purples, and the rest you could usually find something else to stick in those slots.
The point is…
Badges were an awesome reason to do some dungeon content without requiring guilds or the PUG scene. You hit a button, and away you go, and you were guaranteed (this is very important!) some progress.
Nowadays, Heroics drop nothing worthwhile, and only give 30 anima. There’s literally zero reason to do them. If you want to do any sort of dungeon, you must PUG with a toxic community that expects prior experience or join a guild.
There’s also the fact that all of my characters are in a guild of just me and a family member, and I don’t really want to pull them out of the guild, because the banks and all the stuff I built up on that guild makes things really convenient, too.
I just miss getting rewards out of Q-able dungeons. shrug It gave me something to do when I had the energy/mood for it, and I really don’t want to have to deal with manual matchmaking or guilds.
Agree with this post. Blizzard is making WOW an esport where you have to compete to progress. It’s not that you have to do harder content to get rewards. It’s now that you have to either be a certain rating to be invited to do harder content, or for PVP you have to legit be a competitive PVP’er to progress. Alternatively you can pay competitive players to carry you through the content. It’s become an awful design.
M+ is the new heroic farm, low m+ is extremely casual and easy content.
But you already have made up your mind that is impossible to progress in it and that is full of toxic players, despise how many people successfully do it and were able to progress solo to 226 ilv without ever stepping into raiding.
And no, even this late in the tier is still possible to do it, use your key or try to run with 1 other person to have an easier time, but even solo is doable if you put the time into it.
There’s just such a wide variety of guilds that the idea that a guild which demands 100% attendance and won’t have any flexibility in regards to schedule is anywhere close to the norm baffles me.
I do think those guilds exist, but they’re usually extremely upfront about that. Nobody joins a top 100 US guild and expects to have a chill and casual experience, y’know?
Yeah but you always had the option to grind out good PVP gear and not just get it in arena. Prior arena players access to higher end PVP gear faster, but casual players could still get competitive gear through BGs. Nowadays the gear differential between casual play and arena is so bad, that you can’t even compete.
I really don’t understand where you are coming from with this. I’ve read a lot of your posts and you jump around a lot. It sounds like you hate the game and all of it’s progression methods.
Let me ask you this, are you trying to do higher content or not?
How does me having a high ilevel detract from the quality of your content? Do you only care about having the best gear? That would kind of make you an elitist wouldn’t it? Like, anything but the best gear from 1 raid in the game is garbage.
Honestly, it sounds like you aren’t happy with your life and you’re taking it out on the forums. That’s how you sound. Entitled, spoiled, not willing to do the slightest modicum of work for what you want because you shouldn’t have to.
Let me tell you, should is the worst word in the english language. Its the first resort of Karen.
Every single time I tried PvP, it was always the same. I step into a battleground and proceed to get killed in 3 seconds flat by some overpowered guy wearing far better gear than me, and I basically felt like this fly that couldn’t hurt anything because everybody else was so over-geared.
It’s simply not fun.
I would suggest that everybody’s stats be normalized, but people would whine “I PUT IN MORE WORK I SHOULD HAVE BETTER GEAR!”
Because is mainly designed for premade groups and to make people more social, adding people from pugs to your real id and running more dungeons with them is probably one of the better way to socialize in the game, beside raiding.