9.1 Covenant armor

Anyone know if we will be able to keep upgrading our Covenant armor past ilvl 197?

na, we dont have those fine details yet but once we get closer we will find out if they can be upgraded past x.
9.1 is pretty bare bones man. like its concept art and thats it at this stage.

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Let’s just say I am keeping it in the bank, instead of vendoring it.

I seriously hope so. Adding more ranks for my casual butt would be fantastic.


I do like the 9.1 armor though, shame the Umbrahide retints are leather though.

It’s pretty much certain that you will be able to.

Once the ilvls change in 9.1, you will most likely be able to upgrade it to just below normal raid ilvl again…

That is, unless everyone complaining about solo/casual progression convinces them to change the system

Unless they go with some new armor that represents the covenants united against the Jailer. That theme is already heavily implied in 9.1 information – wouldn’t surprise me they make new sets we have to level up for the appropriate item level ranges, versus continuing with the current covenant gear.




They might just turn these into new covenant sets. How they’ll pull that off? I don’t know. These sets do extend to every armor type so it may be a bit iffy.

That set is so terrible. Taking the Greek theme too far with Kyrians.

Nope it’s amazing…now everyone can pretend to be diaper gnomes with thier awesome new diaper mogs.

Welcome to the club everybody!

The Kyrian literally live in Elysian. I don’t think we’re just now passing the “too far” threshold.

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I draw the line at dressing like them!

Why didn’t you include the necro one too? Arguably the BEST covenant in the game and possibly since ever.

Maybe to you it is. I personally think they’re all bad. lol

All I want is the one the NPCs have that’s mixed plate + toga

The armor is awful. All the other sets fit every class, but then we got the Necrolords with their super cartoony cloth-only armor. Also miss me with that fly mount.

Necros are down bad this patch. Maybe the Primus will fix some of that.

Subjective. Words are subjective.

I personally loved the fly mount and it was the only mount that excited me.

On a side note, now that plate users can essentially wear robes with these cosmetics…it’s time to throw away this stupid “Class fantasy” crap and let us transmog ALL armor styles regardless of class.

Ruins my immersion if a tank looks like they’re wearing cloth but still mitigates like they’re wearing plate.

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WoW Devs:


I hope so, but if we are unable to acquire anima at a faster rate, it is a moot point.