welfare epics sure are nice, gaming in a causal paradise…
I’m a casual, and I just unsubbed. Casuals don’t care about gear past a certain point…the convenant gear was plenty good enough for anything a casual is going to do. Casuals care about gameplay and fun/interesting stuff to do. Something this expac is seriously short of, if you’re not into running around Korthia in circles killing so-called rares and climbling trees for a laughable reward. They’ve killed farming and crafting, pets and mounts rain from the sky so no thrill there, the AH game is dead, dailies/questing are pointless. Torgast, I’ve yet to figure out what the point is, but whatever it is, it’s not worth the pain of fighting the horrendous lag and constant disconnects when you’re inside. Not much left to the game for “casuals”.
LOL, yes that’s fun. Countless hours running around the zone mindlessly chasing gold star “rares” and climbing trees. If that’s your idea of a “game”, then enjoy because that’s all it offers. Anyone who does that grind deserves their “welfare” epics…for what that’s worth, since if you don’t raid, there’s nothing you need to kill that requires anything more than the covenant gearset.
i just came back to retail and having fun with so much to do. lots of cosmetics/mounts/achievements to get and korthia gear will be nice to have as i’d like to do a few raids here and there. i’m happy i can actually spend time in the maw now without the stupid eye and farm all day there if i want.
Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I mean all I said and meant is I paid for the game so I might as well do the content I payed for, but to each their own.
It’s still free. Just because Blizzard didn’t mail it to you the literal day the patch dropped doesn’t make it not free.
Just because you have to put in effort and then pay a currency for it doesn’t make it not free!
…Uh, do you even know what free means?
I would actually argue that 9.1 is a casual’s nightmare.
- At least two new reps to grind
- Numerous mounts/items/toys to farm
- Time gated content so I have to play according to their schedule, not mine.
- No flying in Korthia so everything is a “run here, run there, run everywhere”
- Biweekly Covenant invasions that if I miss one covenant, I have to practically wait two weeks to catch it again. I missed the Bastion one.
- And the story is garbage in my opinion, which I think is a big reason casuals play.
I work a full-time job and can’t pump the specific hours needed to access a lot of the content anymore. I can’t devote time to get better at the game; I can only try to catch up, which sucks. I hate it.
Which is “equal” ilevel to the last boss LFR gear and still 6 ilevel below heroic raid. And after at least 10 weeks of grind and timegating. Not exactly my idea of “paradise”, but still better than 9.0.
I wouldn’t call it “free” welfare gear. You have to grind stygia to get it, then you have to grind catalogued research to upgrade it. So there’s in-game effort involved.
It’s like you’re trying to re-define “casual” to now just mean “people who don’t want to play, but just want it to be over”.
I see this as a good design. Let people be able to get good gear from content they like
The lesson that blizz needs to take is that every expansion needs to START with this kind of gear.
Even normal dungeons are filled with toxic meta speed running zoomers. These people tell others to kill themselves for not wanting to skip bosses in leveling content.
So 10-15 week timegated renown, rep and currency grind now equals “free” . So the next time some hardore complains that they have to "grind “AP (soul ash, shards, stygia, etc,)” in order to “stay current” we get to remind them that it’s actually “free” even if it doesn’t just drop from their preferred content!! Now no-one will ever be able to complain about WoW again.
And yet such a tiny portion of the player base managed it.
I too am very mad when other people are playing the game. They probably aren’t even very social!
Im a casual player and im loving it.
Isnt grinding reps, mounts, pets etc kinda the exact thing casuals play for?
Yeah theres timegating but that been around for ages. Hardly patch specific. Its just how wow works now.
We havent been able to fly in a zone straight away for a long time now. Players should probably be used to it by now. Besides, the zone was designed with being grounded in mind. And it shows as its fun and rewarding to travel across.
So you didnt play for 3 days and so missed an assult… and? Whats the huge rush on being able to say youve done them all?
The story part… eh, i like the story. But its not a huge part of why i play.
Gets kicked out of a M+
“They say I gotta learn,
But nobody’s here to teach me
If they can’t understand it,
How can they reach me?
I guess they can’t
I guess they won’t
I guess they frontin
That’s why my life is out of luck, fool”
Aaah, ah ah ah ah aaaah ah